Man pages for skgrange/threadr
Tools to Thread Pieces Of Data Analysis Together

absolute_humidityFunction to calculate absolute humidity from temperature and...
add_by_id_and_rangeFunction to add a variable by testing an identifier and a...
add_row_numbersFunction to add a row number variable to a data frame.
add_steak_variablesFunction to add streak variables to a tibble.
aggregate_by_dateFunction to aggregate time series data by dates.
any_duplicatedFunction to test if a vector contains duplicate elements.
any_interval_overlapFunction to test if any intervals overlap with one another.
apparent_temperatureFunction to calculate apparent temperature.
apply_hampel_identifierFunction to apply the Hampel identifier, a median absolute...
arrange_leftFunction to arrange variables to the left of a data frame.
as_binaryFunction to convert integers to binary strings.
base_dfFunction to catch 'dplyr"s 'tbl_df' data frame class and...
build_zero_row_tibbleFunction to create a zero row tibble, usually for...
calculate_ciFunction to calculate confidence intervals (CIs), usually...
calculate_control_limitsFunction to calculate control limits, usually used for 'XmR'...
calculate_correlationsFunction to calculate correlations and return a tidy output.
calculate_cross_correlationsFunction to calculate cross-correlations between two vectors...
calculate_date_summariesFunction to calculate summaries of dates for a continuous...
calculate_deltasFunction to calculate deltas or differences between two...
calculate_dew_pointFunction to calculate the dew point from temperature and...
calculate_errorsFunction to calculate errors for an aggregation.
calculate_mixing_ratioFunction to calculate the mixing ratio of water vapour.
calculate_pace_splitsFunction to calculate splits for a running or cycling event.
calculate_quantilesFunction to calculate quantiles for a numeric vector.
calculate_rangeFunction to summaries a numeric vector by calculating and...
calculate_relative_humidityFunction to calculate relative humidity from air temperature...
calculate_speedFunctions for calculating speed in m s-1 and pace in min...
calculate_target_paceFunction to calculate target pace in min km-1.
calculate_time_spanFunction to calculate time span between dates.
calculate_vapour_pressureFunction to calculate atmospheric vapour pressure.
calculate_water_partial_pressureFunction to calculate the water partial pressure/vapour...
calculate_water_volume_mixing_ratioFunction to calculate the mixing ratio of water.
chunkFunction to chunk a vector into pieces of _n_ length.
chunk_nFunction to chunk a vector into _n_ pieces.
clcFunction to clear the R console.
cli_nFunction to print the length of an object, generally for...
colours_brewerFunction to generate a vector of colours from ColorBrewer...
colours_lancetFunction to generate a custom colour palettes from Lancet...
compress_filesFunction to compress files.
create_directoryFunction to create directories if they are not present.
create_wind_direction_binsFunction to transform numeric wind direction values (0-360...
data_frame_to_latex_tableFunction to format a data frame to a LaTeX table.
data_frame_to_timeseriesFunction to promote a data frame to a time-series object.
data_frame_to_zooFunction to transform a data frame into a *zoo* time series...
date_centreFunction to calculate the centre point of two dates.
date_messageFunctions to get a formatted date string, usually used as...
dates_as_numericFunction to convert all date variables in a data frame to...
decimal_countFunction to count the number of digits on the right of a...
decimal_minute_to_stringFunction to transform decimal minutes into a formatted...
detect_date_intervalFunction to determine period of a date vector.
download_ftp_fileFunction to download files from an 'FTP' or 'SFTP' server.
download_with_scpFunction to download files from a remote system with 'scp'...
dplyr-functionsPseudo-function to re-export *dplyr*'s common functions.
drop_na_columnsFunction to drop columns in a data frame which only contain...
duplicated_rowsFunction to return duplicated rows in a data frame.
evaluate_textFunction to evaluate and execute an R expression stored as...
exponential_growthFunction to calculate exponential growth.
export_ggplotFunction to export *ggplot2* plot, usually as a '.pdf' file.
file_informationFunction to get file information.
file_metadataFunction to extract file metadata with 'exiftool'.
file_sizeFunction to get file size.
gam_smootherFunction to smooth an _x_-_y_ pair with a generalised...
gas_volume_to_massFunctions to convert gas concentrations between volume- and...
generate_all_combinationsFunction to generate all combinations of the elements within...
get_package_versionFunction to get package versions and return details in a...
get_remote_fileFunction to get/download file from an 'URL'.
gg_no_grid_linesFunction to remove all grid lines from a ggplot2 plot.
ggplot2_coloursFunction to generate a vector of colours which emulate...
ggtheme_threadrFunction for "tufte-like" *ggplot2* appearance.
good_fridayFunctions to calculate the dates of shifting holidays.
grepl_allFunction to apply 'grepl' across many variables in a data...
hostnameFunction to find system's hostname.
is_outlierFunction to identify outliers in a numeric vector by uisng...
is_outside_quantilesFunction to test elements of a vector are within a given...
lag_deltaFunctions to calculate the delta between a value and the...
left_join_rangeFunction to join two data frames together based on a range...
list_filesFunction to list files in a directory.
list_files_ftpFunction to list files on an FTP or SFTP server.
list_files_scpFunction to list files and directories on a remote system...
loess_smootherFunction to smooth an _x_-_y_ pair with loess (local...
logical_to_yes_noFunction to convert a logical vector to a "Yes/No" vector.
mean_geometricFunction to calculate the geometric mean of a numeric vector.
mean_wdFunction to calculate mean wind direction.
miles_to_kmFunctions to convert unit systems.
mode_averageFunction to calculate mode (the value that appears most...
molecular_mass_tableFunctions to return a table containing molecular masses for...
ms_to_min_kmFunction to convert speed in meters per second (m.s-1) to...
na_extrapolateFunction to extrapolate leading and trailing 'NA's.
na_interpolateFunction for interpolating 'NA's.
na_locfFunction for carrying last observation forwards.
normaliseFunction to normalise a numeric vector's range between 0 and...
object_sizeConvenience function to find size of R object.
parse_date_argumentsFunction to parse date arguments for other functions.
parse_excel_dateFunction to parse Microsoft Excel's numeric date.
parse_iso_weekConverts date from week notation according to ISO 8601 to...
parse_no_hour_timeFunction to parse a time with greater than 60 minuntes to a...
parse_personal_pathFunction to parse and switch common file paths for different...
parse_timeFunction to parse times into the 'hms' data type.
parse_unit_textAutomatic text formatting for openair
parse_unix_timeFunction to conveniently parse a vector of Unix time to a...
pdf_write_metadataFunction to write metadata to a pdf file with 'exiftool'.
percentage_changeFunction to calculate percentage change between new and old...
percentage_differenceFunction to calculate the percentage difference between two...
percent_lostFunction to calculate the percentage lost between two values.
percent_ofFunction to calculate the value of a percentage of another...
period_financialFunction to transform date into financial period (a month...
period_to_dateFunction convert a lubridate period to a POSIXct date.
period_to_stringFunction to format *lubridate* periods into a 'HH:MM:SS'...
pipePseudo-function to re-export *magrittr*'s pipe.
plot_control_chartFunction to plot a control chart.
plot_image_jpgFunction to plot a JPG/JPEG image.
plot_time_seriesFunction to plot time series data.
plot_time_variationFunction to plot hourly, weekday, and monthly averages.
print_allFunction to print all rows in a tibble.
print_paletteFunction to plot a vector of colours.
quietFunction to catch 'cat' messages and make them invisible.
read_bibtexFunction to load a 'BibTeX' file to a data frame.
read_csv_git_hubFunction to read a '.csv' file and return as a data frame...
read_csv_remoteFunction to read a '.csv' file and return as a data frame...
read_html_tablesFunction to read HTML tables from an URL.
read_jsonFunction to read JSON files.
read_json_linesFunction to read a new line JSON, also known as 'ndjson'...
read_linesFunction to wrap 'readLines' with different defaults.
read_rdataFunction to read 'RData' files but not their name so standard...
read_rds_remoteFunction to read an '.rds' file from a 'URL'.
read_xmlFunction to load 'XML' document as a list.
replacePseudo-function to re-export *ggplot2*'s replace function.
replicate_rowsFunction to replicate rows in a data frame.
reset_row_namesFunction to reset row names in a data frame.
rm_na_rowsFunction to remove rows in a data frame when indices are all...
rmseFunctions to calculate various error statistics.
rolling_meanFunction to apply a rolling mean to a numeric vector.
round_anyRound to multiple of any number.
round_date_intervalFunction to round dates to arbitrary time intervals.
round_numericFunction to round all numerical variables in a data frame.
saturation_vapour_pressureFunction to calculate the saturation vapour pressure of water...
script_pathsFunction to return a script's file name and directory from...
sd_windFunction to calculate the standard deviation of wind...
seasonFunction to determine season of a date.
seconds_in_a_dayFunctions to conveniently access number of seconds in...
select_fs_file_infoFunction to select priority variables from the return of...
serialise_r_objectFunctions to serialise and unseralise R objects.
set_sub_second_optionFunction to set R's options to print fractional seconds.
simple_moving_averageFunction to apply rolling mean to a vector.
specific_humidityFunction to calculate specific humidity.
split_into_equal_partsFunction to spit a data frame/tibble into equal sized...
split_nrowFunction to split a data frames and vectors into lists with...
standardiseFunction to standardise all variables in a data frame.
stats-functionsPseudo-function to re-export functions from the *stats*...
stats-grDevicesPseudo-function to re-export functions from the *grDevices*...
str_dateFunctions to preform string operations which do not currently...
str_date_formattedFunction to format a date (usually) for printing.
streakFunctions to determine and group streaks/consecutive events.
str_english_date_formatFunction to format a date in a verbose, English language...
str_extract_xml_attributesFunction to extract and format an XML attribute string into a...
str_hmsFunction to format a 'hms' vector to a clean character...
stringr-functionsPseudo-function to re-export *stringr*'s common functions.
str_system_dateFunction to get system time with sytem calls.
symbol_degreeFunctions for commonly used unicode symbols.
sys_unix_timeFunction to get system date as an numeric/integer value...
theme_less_minimalFunction for a minimal *ggplot2* appearance but with bounding...
tidy_summaryFunction to create tidy data descriptives from a data frame.
time_dygraphFunction for plotting interactive time-series plots in a...
time_padFunction to pad time series.
time_zoneFunction to extract time-zone from a POSIXct date.
to_jsonFunction to quickly use 'jsonlite::toJSON'.
to_periodFunction to calculate a *lubridate* 'period' date class based...
transform_dates_with_time_zoneFunction to transform potentially heterogeneous time zones...
twos_complementFunction to convert Two's Complement integer to a standard...
type_convertFunction to quickly apply 'type.convert' to objects.
unix_time_to_excel_dateFunction to convert unix time to a Microsoft Excel date.
upload_to_ftpFunction to upload a files to an FTP or SFTP server.
upload_with_scpFunction to upload files locally to a remote system with...
utils-functionsPseudo-function to re-export functions from the *utils*...
uuidFunction to generate randomly generated universally unique...
walrusPseudo-function to re-export *rlang*'s walrus operator.
wday_mondayFunction to get weekday number from a date where '1' is...
weekday_sequenceFunction to generate a sequence of weekdays.
weekendFunction to test if dates are during the weekend or not.
week_financialFunction to calculate financial week of the year.
week_mondayFunction to get Monday-based week number of a date.
which_closestFunction to find closest index in a vector.
wind_direction_from_wind_componentsFunctions to calculate wind direction and wind speed from...
within_rangeFunction to test if a vector is within one, or many ranges.
write_csv_threadrFunction to export data frame/tibble to a '.csv' text file...
write_jsonFunction to write an R object to a JSON file.
write_json_linesFunction to export a data frame as new line JSON, also known...
write_rdsFunction to read and write R's RDS files with some helpful...
year_financialFunction to transform date into financial year.
yesterdayFunction to return the system's idea of yesterday.
zoo_to_data_frameFunction to transform a *zoo* time series object to a tibble.
zzzFunction to squash R check's global variable notes.
skgrange/threadr documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 9:08 p.m.