Man pages for sorhawell/forestFloor
Visualizes Random Forests with Feature Contributions

append.overwrite.alistsCombine two argument lists
as.numeric.factorConvert a factor to numeric.vector.
box.outliersBox Outliers
convolute_ffCross-validated main effects interpretation for all feature...
convolute_ff2Low-level function to estimate a specific set of feature...
convolute_gridModel structure grid estimated by feature contributions
fcolGeneric colour module for forestFloor objects
forestFloorCompute out-of-bag cross-validated feature contributions to...
forestFloor-packageforestFloor: visualize the random forest model structure
importanceExportWrapperImportance Export Wrapper (internal)
plot_simplex33-class simplex forestFloor plot
print.forestFloorprint summary of forestFloor.Object
recTreerecursiveTree: cross-validated feature contributions
show3dmake forestFloor 3D-plot of random forest feature...
vec.plotCompute and plot vector effect characteristics for a given...
Xtestmergermerge training set (X) and (test) set
sorhawell/forestFloor documentation built on Oct. 23, 2021, 2:20 a.m.