Man pages for spatialstatisticsupna/rsat
Dealing with Multiplatform Satellite Images to a Data Frame
as.recordsCreate records object from data frame
cCombine values into a vector or a list
datesGet/set the dates from a 'records' or an 'rtoi'
ex.dem.navarreA Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region of Navarre...
ex.madridA polygon with the border of Madrid (Spain)
ex.manhattanA polygon with the border of Manhattan (USA)
ex.navarreA polygon with the border of Navarre (Spain)
ex.ndvi.navarreA time series of NDVI in Navarre (Spain)
extract_dataLoads into R a time series of images regarding an rtoi,...
get_api_nameGet the API name of a 'records'
get_dirGet the file path of a 'records' or an 'rtoi'
get_downloadExtract the url to download a data record
get_orderGet the slot called order from a 'records' or an 'rtoi'
get_previewExtract the url of the preview
get-set_databaseExtracts or assign the path of the database
lengthLength of an object
namesGet the name of the object
new_recordCreate a new 'records' object
new_rtoiCreates a new 'rtoi' object
plotPlot an 'rtoi' object
printPrints the values
print_credentialsPrints the credentials for the web services
productGet the name of the product from a 'records' or an 'rtoi'
read_rtoiReads an rtoi from the hard drive
recordsExtracts the satellite records
records-classA class object for satellite image metadata
regionExtracts region from an rtoi
renameRenames an 'rtoi'
rsat_cloudMaskCreate cloud mask from an rtoi
rsat_deriveComputes a remote sensing index from an 'rtoi'
rsat_downloadDownload the images from a 'records' or an 'rtoi' object
rsat_list_dataList the information available for an 'rtoi'
rsat_mosaicMosaic the tiles intersecting the region of interest
rsat_previewPreview a 'records' or an 'rtoi' object
rsat_productsShow the products accepted by the services
rsat_searchSearch satellite images
rsat_smoothing_imagesFill data gaps and smooth outliers in a time series of...
rtoi-classRegion and Time Of Interest ('rtoi')
sat_nameGet the name of the satellite(s) from a 'records' or an...
set_credentialsSaves the credentials for the web services
showShow an Object
show_variablesList the variables and satellites supported by 'rsat'
subExtract or replace parts of an object
subsetFilter the satellite records of a 'records' or an 'rtoi'
test_functionTesting function
tiles.mod.ndvi.filled.1.resResult of IMA test 1
tiles.mod.ndvi.filled.2.resResult of IMA test 2
uniqueExtract unique elements
spatialstatisticsupna/rsat documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 1:20 a.m.