Man pages for spsanderson/LICHospitalR
Hospital Data Analysis Workflow Tools

code64_automationCode 64 Email Automation
code64_charged_accounts_queryCode 64 Charged Accounts
coded_consults_queryOPPE Coded Consults Query
coded_consults_seasonal_diagnositcs_pltOPPE Coded Consults Seasonal Diagnostics
coded_consults_top_pltOPPE Plot of top N Attending
coded_consults_top_providers_tblOPPE Coded Consults Top Attending
coded_consults_trend_pltOPPE Coded Consults Trend Plot
congenital_malformation_automationCongenital Malformation Automation for HIM
congenital_malformation_queryCongenital Malformations Query for HIM
db_connectDSS DB Connection Function
db_disconnectDSS DB Disconnect Function
denials_admits_by_ed_queryDenials Admits by ED
denials_admits_by_md_queryDenials Admits by MD
denials_inpatient_queryDenials by Inpatients
denials_outpatient_queryDenials by Outpatient
discharge_order_to_discharge_automationDischarge Order to Discharge Automation
discharge_order_to_discharge_queryDischarge Order to Discharge Date Time Query
duplicate_coded_cataract_queryDuplicate Coded Cataracts Query for HIM
duplicate_coded_cataracts_automationDuplicate Coded Cataracts Query
geocode_discharges_automationAutomatically Geocode Addresses
geocode_discharges_queryGet Address for discharges that can be geocoded
infection_prevention_patient_days_automationPatient Days for Infection Prevention Automation
infection_prevention_patient_days_queryPatient Days for Infection Prevention Query
infection_prevention_patient_days_tblPatient Days for Infection Prevention Tibble
inpatient_coding_lag_automationInpatient Coding Lag Automation
inpatient_coding_lag_queryInpatient Coding Lag Query for HIM
inpatient_coding_lag_tblInpatient Coding Lag tibble
kmeans_mapped_tblOPPE CPOE K-Means Mapper
kmeans_scree_pltOPPE CPOE K-Means Scree Plot
kmeans_tidyK-Means tidy Functions
los_ra_index_pltPlot LOS and Readmit Index with Variance
los_ra_index_queryGet LOS and Readmit Index Query
los_ra_index_summary_tblMake LOS and Readmit Index Summary Tibble
monthly_admit_trauma_queryMonthly Admit Trauma File Query
monthly_discharge_trauma_queryMonthly Discharge Trauma File Query
monthly_psy_admits_discharges_automationMonthly PSY Admit and Discharge Automation
monthly_psy_admits_discharges_tblMonthly PSY Admit/Discharge tibble
monthly_psy_admits_queryMonthly PSY Admits Query
monthly_psy_discharges_queryMonthly PSY Discharges Query
monthly_trauma_automationMonthly Trauma Automation
monthly_trauma_tblMonthly Trauma Tibble
myhealth_monthly_surgery_automationMyHealth Monthly Surgery Automation
myhealth_monthly_surgery_queryMyHealth Monthly Surgery File
myhealth_monthly_surgery_tblMyHealth Monthly Surgery Tibble
named_item_listNamed list from a grouped tibble
oppe_alos_pltOPPE ALOS Plots
oppe_alos_queryOPPE ALOS Query
oppe_alos_tblOPPE ALOS Tibble
oppe_cpoe_cluster_trends_tblOPPE CPOE Cluster Trends Table
oppe_cpoe_kmeansOPPE CPOE K-Means
oppe_cpoe_queryOPPE CPOE Query
oppe_cpoe_tblOPPE CPOE Detail Tibble
oppe_cpoe_trend_tblOPPE CPOE Provider Order Trend Table
oppe_cpoe_umapOPPE CPOE UMAP Projection
oppe_cpoe_umap_pltOPPE CPOE K-Means UMAP Projection Plot
oppe_cpoe_user_item_tblOPPE CPOE K-Means
oppe_denials_detail_queryOPPE Denials Detail Query
oppe_readmit_queryOPPE Readmit Query
opt_binGet the optimal bin width for a histogram given a data set,...
orsos_j_accounts_automationORSOS J Accounts Automation
orsos_j_accounts_queryORSOS J Accounts Query
orsos_to_sproc_automationORSOS to SPROC Case Reconcilliation Automation
orsos_to_sproc_queryORSOS to SPROC Case Reconcilliation Query
orsos_to_sproc_tblORSOS to SPROC Tibble
pipePipe operator
pract_dim_v_queryGet practice dimension view with ID Number and Name
qec_cdi_automationCDI QEC Numbers
qec_cdi_queryGet CDI QEC Numbers from DSS
readmit_psy_to_psy_automationReadmit Psyh To Psyc Automation
readmit_psy_to_psy_queryPsych to Psych Readmit Query
readmit_psy_to_psy_tblReadmit Psych To Psych Tibble
respiratory_vae_automationRespiratory VAE Automation
respiratory_vae_queryRespiratory VAE Query
respiratory_vae_tblRespiratory VAE Tibble
save_to_excelSave a file to Excel
sql_leftUse SQL LEFT type function in R
sql_midUse SQL SUBSTRING() or Excel MID() type function in R
sql_rightUse SQL RIGHT type function in R
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
ts_alos_elos_queryTime Series - ALOS/ELOS Query
ts_alos_elos_tblTime Series - ALOS/ELOS Excess Tibble
ts_calendar_heatmap_pltTime Series Calendar Heatmap
ts_ed_arrivals_queryTime Series - ER Arrivals Query
ts_ed_arrivals_tblTime Series - ED Arrivals Tibble
ts_ip_census_los_daily_queryTime Series - Inpatient Census/LOS by Day
ts_ip_census_los_daily_tblTime Series - Inpatient Census/LOS by Day Tibble
ts_ip_discharges_queryTime Series - Inpatient Discharges Query
ts_ip_discharges_tblTime Series - Inpatient Discharges Tibble
ts_ma_pltTime Series Moving Average Plot
ts_median_excess_pltCreate a plot showing the excess +/- of the median value
ts_op_visits_queryTime Series - Outpatient Visits Query
ts_op_visits_tblTime Series - ED Arrivals Tibble
ts_qc_rangeTime Series Range
ts_readmit_excess_queryTime Series - Readmission Excess Query
ts_readmit_excess_tblTime Series - Monthly Readmission Excess Tibble
ts_ymwdh_tblMake a tibble with year, month, week, week day and hour...
weekly_psy_discharges_automationWeekly PSY Discharges Automation
weekly_psy_discharges_queryWeekly PSY Discharges Query
spsanderson/LICHospitalR documentation built on Jan. 6, 2022, 12:32 a.m.