Man pages for srvanderplas/LegoR
Package to scrape data from and brickset

brickset_apiGet API options
brickset_authAuthenticate with the api
brickset_get_instructionsGet link to instructions for a single lego set from...
brickset_get_recently_updated_setsGet recently updated sets from
brickset_get_reviewsGet reviews of a single lego set from
brickset_get_setGet information about a single lego set from
brickset_get_setsFunction to return many sets' data using search...
brickset_get_subthemesGet subthemes released under a theme
brickset_get_themesGet all lego themes from
brickset_get_yearsGet years and number of sets released under a theme
brickset_save_credentialsSave credentials to Rprofile file
brickset_setupSet up R to work with
lego_get_set_dataGet data from a lego set page
lego_get_setsGet all lego sets in a category
lego_get_sets_on_pageGet all lego sets on the page
lego_get_themesGet all lego themes from
LegoR-packageLegoR: Package to scrape data from and brickset
pipePipe operator
rebrickable_apiGeneric API call
rebrickable_api_allGet all pages from the rebrickable api
rebrickable_api_callDo-while loop for GET to handle rcurl being flaky
rebrickable_color_infoGet a data frame of information about a specific brick color
rebrickable_colorsGet a data frame of all brick colors
rebrickable_parse_api_resFunction to format API response
rebrickable_part_categoriesGet a data frame of all part categories
rebrickable_part_category_infoGet a data frame of information about a specific part...
rebrickable_part_colorsGet a list of all colors a part has appeared in
rebrickable_part_color_setsGet a list of all sets a part/color combination has appeared...
rebrickable_part_infoGet a data frame of information about a specific part
rebrickable_partsGet a data frame of information about parts
rebrickable_save_credentialsSave rebrickable credentials to Rprofile file
rebrickable_set_infoGet a data frame of information about a specific set
rebrickable_set_mocGet a data frame of information about alternate builds using...
rebrickable_set_partsGet a data frame of information about pieces in a specific...
rebrickable_setsGet a data frame of information about sets
rebrickable_setupSet up R to work with
rebrickable_theme_infoGet a data frame of information about a specific brick color
rebrickable_themesGet a data frame of all themes
srvanderplas/LegoR documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 9:17 a.m.