Man pages for statnet/ergm.multi
Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Multiple or Multilayer Networks

as_tibble.combined_networksAn 'as_tibble' method for combined networks.
b1degreeL-ergmTerm-ef9f1358Degree for the first mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode)...
b2degree-ergmTerm-20b6a8eeDegree for the second mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode)...
blacklist_block-ergmConstraint-0070df6dBlacklist blocks of dyads from toggling in a way that...
blockdiag-ergmProposal-140bec05A Metropolis-Hastings proposal for diagonal block constraints
blockdiagTNT-ergmProposal-7555cd70A Metropolis-Hastings proposal for diagonal block constraints
CMBL-ergmTerm-faa5fa2cConway-Maxwell-Binomial dependence among layers
combine_ergmlhsCombine the '%ergmlhs%' settings of a list of networks
combine_networksA single block-diagonal network created by combining multiple...
control.gofN.ergmAuxiliary for Controlling Multinetwork ERGM Linear...
ddspL-ergmTerm-c6c3ac1fDyadwise shared partners on layers
despL-ergmTerm-acc8d5daEdgewise shared partners on layers
dgwdspL-ergmTerm-48851f13Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution...
dgwespL-ergmTerm-b8c0bfe5Geometrically weighted edgewise shared partner distribution...
dgwnspL-ergmTerm-0bfd6ad4Geometrically weighted non-edgewise shared partner...
direct.networkReturns a directed version of an undirected binary network
dnspL-ergmTerm-ed78e6f3Non-edgewise shared partners and paths on layers
ergm_block_diag_samp_infoCompute and serialize information needed by the...
ergm_LayerLogicInternal representation of Layer Logic
ergm.multi_combinerDynamic registry of functions that combine networks.
ergm.multi-packageergm.multi: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family...
GoeyvaertsA sample of within-household contact networks in Flanders and...
gofNLinear model diagnostics for multinetwork linear models
gwb1degreeL-ergmTerm-7bda20c5Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the first mode...
gwb2degreeL-ergmTerm-8b152fc6Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the second...
gwdegreeL-ergmTerm-cac814faGeometrically weighted degree distribution
gwidegreeL-ergmTerm-14050f69Geometrically weighted in-degree distribution
gwodegreeL-ergmTerm-cba36b15Geometrically weighted out-degree distribution
LayerA multilayer network representation.
LazegaA network of advice, collaboration, and friendship in a law...
L-ergmTerm-719c792fEvaluation on layers
lm.gofNFit a linear model to the residuals in a gofN object.
marg_cond_simCalculate gofN()-style Pearson residuals for arbitrary...
N-ergmTerm-c9b59cc1Evaluation on multiple networks
NetworksA multinetwork network representation.
network_viewConstruct a "view" of a network.
plot.gofNPlotting methods for 'gofN', making residual and...
snctrlStatnet Control
split.networkA 'split()' method for 'network::network' objects.
subnetwork_templatesObtain empty networks representing constituents of a combined...
twostarL-ergmTerm-57211220Multilayer two-star
uncombine_networkSplit up a network into a list of subgraphs
upper_tri-ergmConstraint-f7ecd164Only dyads in the upper-triangle of the sociomatrix may be...
statnet/ergm.multi documentation built on Dec. 4, 2024, 11:24 a.m.