Man pages for statnmap/SDMSelect
Cross-validation model selection and species distribution mapping

AIC_indicesFunction that returns the AIC of a list of models In the case...
best_distriA function to rank distributions (of same length) and...
CovarExtractFunction to extract covariates from different rasters
CreateExtentFind area extent Verify if this function is not in my spatial...
crossV_indicesFunction that return indices of quality of fit for a list of...
Fig_splitFind an equilibrated layout for a figure according to number...
findBestModelFind best model
fit_modelFunction to fit a model among all possible
gplot_dataTransform raster as data.frame to be later used with ggplot...
is_ProjEqualTest if projections are equals
Map_predictCreate Multilayer raster for predictions and uncertainty...
meandiff_distriMean difference between a distribution and a set of others...
ModelOrderOrder fitted models
ModelResultsStudy the outputs and predictions of a specific model
model_selectCharacteristics of the model on which to produce outputs
modelselect_optModelselect configuration file
Param_corrFunction to identify covariates that are correlated in terms...
pipePipe operator
prec_dataFind the most precise data of a vector
predRPredictions in response and link scales
Prepare_covarStackMerge covariate rasters from different extents and...
Prepare_datasetPrepare dataset to be included in the model selection...
RefRasterizeCreate a RefRaster for regular grid dataset resampling
Rm_WhiteMarginsA function to crop white margins of a PNG image
SDMSelectSDMSelect: A package for cross-validation model selection and...
spatialcor_distFigure to see spatial autocorrelation that may allow to...
test_optTest internal modelopt
statnmap/SDMSelect documentation built on April 1, 2021, 2:01 p.m.