Man pages for steingod/R-mipolsat
Useful functions for handling locally processed satellite data

compareAVHRRchainsCompares several AVHRR images from different processing...
compareAVHRRimagesCompares a single AVHRR image processed by different...
createAVHRRimageCreate image of AVHRR data
fm_bidirreflEstimate the bidirectional reflectance.
fm_ch3breflEstimate the reflectance of AVHRR channel 3b (3.7...
fm_esdCorrection factor for the varying distance between Earth and...
fm_findsollumEstimate AVHRR channel 3B TOA radiance
fm_rad2tempEstimate the brightness temperature.
fm_temp2radEstimate the radiance.
getclassnamesExtracts the classnames used within a specific FMCOL file.
gshhsmapdataGSHHS Low Resolution Coastlines
gshhsmapdata-polstereGSHHS Low Resolution Coastlines in Polar Stereographic map...
milatlon2ucsConvert between geographical and UCS coordinates
miucs2latlonConvert between UCS and geographical coordinates
plotAVHRRsigPlot AVHRR radiometric signatures
plotctvalPlot NWCSAF PPS cloud types versus SYNOP observations
read123Reads FMCOL HDF5 files containing AVHRR data collocated with...
read124Reads FMCOL HDF5 files containing AVHRR data collocated with...
readAVHRRRead AVHRR data
readctvalReads FMCOL HDF5 files containing cloud type products
readfmcolReads FMCOL HDF5 files containing AVHRR data collocated with...
readsnowsigReads FMCOL HDF5 files containing AVHRR data collocated with...
steingod/R-mipolsat documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:31 p.m.