Man pages for stemangiola/nanny
High-Level Data Analysis and Manipulation in 'tidyverse' Style

add_attrAdd attribute to abject
as_matrix-methodsGet matrix from tibble
check_if_counts_is_naCheck whether there are NA counts
check_if_duplicated_genesCheck whether there are duplicated genes/transcripts
check_if_wrong_inputCheck whether there are NA counts
cluster_elements-methodsGet clusters of elements (e.g., elements or features)
combine_nest-methodsCombine columns and nest data for each permutation
drop_attrDrop attribute to abject
drop_classRemove class to abject
error_if_counts_is_naCheck whether there are NA counts
error_if_duplicated_genesCheck whether there are duplicated genes/transcripts
error_if_log_transformedCheck whether a numeric vector has been log transformed
error_if_wrong_inputCheck whether there are NA counts
fill_missing-methodsFill feature value if missing from element-feature pairs
fill_NA_using_formulaThis function is needed for DE in case the matrix is not...
fill_NA_using_valueThis function is needed for DE in case the matrix is not...
gate_listGate list for clustering
get_clusters_kmeans_bulkGet K-mean clusters to a tibble
get_clusters_SNN_bulkGet SNN shared nearest neighbour clusters to a tibble
get_reduced_dimensions_MDS_bulkGet dimensionality information to a tibble using MDS
get_reduced_dimensions_PCA_bulkGet principal component information to a tibble using PCA
get_reduced_dimensions_TSNE_bulkGet principal component information to a tibble using tSNE
get_rotated_dimensionsGet rotated dimensions of two principal components or MDS...
ifelse2_pipeThis is a generalisation of ifelse that accepts an object and...
ifelse_pipeThis is a generalisation of ifelse that acceots an object and...
impute_missing-methodsImpute feature value if missing from element-feature pairs
keep_variable-methodsKeep top variable features across elements
lower_triangular-methodsKeep rows corresponding of a lower triangular matrix built...
mtcars_tidyCibersort reference
nest_subset-methodsNest according to selected-column-wise information
parse_formula.formula parser
permute_nest-methodsPermute columns and nest data for each permutation
quo_namesConvert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into...
reduce_dimensions-methodsDimension reduction of the feature value data
remove_redundancy_elements_though_reduced_dimensionsIdentifies the closest pairs in a MDS contaxt and return one...
remove_redundancy_elements_through_correlationDrop redundant elements (e.g., elements) for which feature...
remove_redundancy-methodsDrop redundant elements (e.g., elements) for which feature...
rotate_dimensions-methodsRotate two dimensions (e.g., principal components) of an...
select_closest_pairsSub function of...
subset-methodsExtract selected-column-wise information
test_dataExample data set
test_data2Example data set reduced
stemangiola/nanny documentation built on July 29, 2023, 1:23 a.m.