Man pages for stemangiola/tidySummarizedExperiment
Brings SummarizedExperiment to the Tidyverse

as_tibbleCoerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
bind_rowsEfficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
countCount the observations in each group
distinctKeep distinct/unique rows
extractExtract a character column into multiple columns using...
filterKeep rows that match a condition
formattingPrinting tibbles
full_joinMutating joins
ggplotCreate a new 'ggplot' from a 'tidyseurat'
group_byGroup by one or more variables
group_splitSplit data frame by groups
inner_joinMutating joins
left_joinMutating joins
mutateCreate, modify, and delete columns
mutate_featuresMutate features
mutate_samplesMutate samples
nestNest rows into a list-column of data frames
pasillaRead counts of RNA-seq samples of Pasilla knock-down by...
pipePipe operator
pivot_longerPivot data from wide to long
pivot_widerPivot data from long to wide
plot_lyInitiate a plotly visualization
pullExtract a single column
renameRename columns
right_joinMutating joins
rowwiseGroup input by rows
sample_nSample n rows from a table
seRead counts of RNA-seq samples derived from Pasilla...
selectKeep or drop columns using their names and types
separateSeparate a character column into multiple columns with a...
sliceSubset rows using their positions
summariseSummarise each group down to one row
tbl_format_headerFormat the header of a tibble
tidytidy for 'Seurat'
uniteUnite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together
unnestUnnest a list-column of data frames into rows and columns
stemangiola/tidySummarizedExperiment documentation built on June 7, 2024, 1:09 a.m.