Man pages for stephenslab/VEB.Boost
This package provides the functionality to perform VEB-Boosting.

calc_KL_REComputes KL divergence for RE
calc_KL_RidgeComputes KL divergence for Ridge
calc_KL_Ridge_no_intComputes KL divergence for Ridge
calc_KL_Ridge_no_scaleComputes KL divergence for Ridge
compute_MXtComputes M%*%t(standardized.X) using sparse multiplication...
compute_tfg_XbCompute unscaled X %*% b using the special structure of trend...
compute_tfg_XtyCompute t(X) %*% y using the special structure of trend...
compute_XbComputes standardized.X %*% b
compute_Xb_parComputes standardized.X %*% b
compute_XtyComputes t(standardized.X)%*%y using sparse multiplication...
compute_Xty_parComputes t(standardized.X)%*%y using sparse multiplication...
fit_random_effectRE fit function
fit_ridgeRidge fit function
fit_ridge_no_intRidge fit function
fit_ridge_no_scaleRidge fit function
initialize_veb_boost_treeInitialize VEB-Boost Tree structure
makeMrAshLearnerCreate a mr.ash learner object
makeRandomEffectLearnerCreate a random effect learner object
makeRidgeLearnerCreate a Ridge learner object
makeRidgeLearner_no_intCreate a Ridge learner object
makeRidgeLearner_no_scaleCreate a Ridge learner object
make_tfg_matrixset up a general trend filtering matrix
neg_log_lik_RE_logscalenegative log-likelihood for variance of random effect (call...
neg_log_lik_Ridge_logscalenegative log-likelihood for variance of ridge (call it V), on...
neg_log_lik_Ridge_logscale_no_intnegative log-likelihood for variance of ridge (call it V), on...
neg_log_lik_Ridge_logscale_no_scalenegative log-likelihood for variance of ridge (call it V), on...
predict_veb_boostPerforms a prediction using a 'veb_boost' fit and supplied...
predict_veb_boost_stumpsPerforms a prediction using a 'veb_boost_stumps' fit and...
split_vectorsplits a vector into a list of vectors, each containing a...
stumpsVariableImportanceCalculates variable importance measure from a...
veb_boostPerforms VEB-Boosting
veb_boost_stumpsWrapper for using VEB-Boost with the SER prior w/ stumps...
stephenslab/VEB.Boost documentation built on July 2, 2023, 1 p.m.