Man pages for subugoe/muggle
Opinionated Devops for R Data Products Strictly Without Magic

az_webapp_config_muggleDeploy a shiny app to Microsoft Azure Web Apps for Containers
build_site2Replacement versions of 'pkgdown::build_site()' etc. with...
create_muggle_packageCreate a muggle package
get_muggle_fileMuggle files
get_url_from_descRetrieve the public URL from the 'DESCRIPTION'
gh_pkgs_image_urlGet the full docker image url for an image on GitHub Packages
gh_repo_specGet the GitHub remote associated with a path as a repo_spec...
install_sysdepsInstall System Dependencies
is_github_actionsDetermine if code is running inside GitHub Actions
lib_cache_pathDirectory for copying dependencies to docker build context
load_clean_allClean workspace and load all packages
local_muggle_fileTemporarily get muggle files
local_siteyamlTemporarily create muggle default vignettes/_site.yml file
override_pkgdownyamlList of overrides for _pkgdown.yml with muggle defaults.
remove_depRemove an unneeded dependency
use_codecov2Set up codecov
use_onbuild_imageSet up or update the compute environment
use_radianSet up radian
view_urlBrowse to URL
subugoe/muggle documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 11:42 p.m.