Man pages for sysilviakim/voterdiffR
Evaluating the Quality of Changes in Voter Registration Databases

adjust_dupsDedupe Ties in a vrmatch Output
adjust_fnCorrect False Negatives in a vrmatch Output for All Snapshots
adjust_vrmatchAdjust for Duplicates and False Negatives for All Snapshots
changes_extractChanges by Field
changes_reportReport Changes Between Snapshots
clean_contactDispose of Uninformative Emails and Phones
clean_snapshotClean Snapshots and Store Them
compareComparing vrmatch Outputs
exact_matchExtract Exact Matches by All Fields Between Two Snapshots
id_matchExtract Exact Matches by ID Fields Between Two Dataframes
oc_colclassesColumn Classes for OCROV Data
performanceAssessing the Performance of Record Linkage with a True Match...
snapshot_importImporting Snapshots into List/Dataframe
snapshot_listList the Available Snapshots
vrmatchVoter Registration Database Snapshot Matching
sysilviakim/voterdiffR documentation built on June 22, 2020, 6:51 p.m.