Man pages for tanaylab/tgutil
Simple utility functions for Tanay lab code

call_mainCall 'main()'
clip_valsClips numeric values so that they lie in the range [min_val,...
colMaxsA wrapper for matrixStats::colMaxs() Returns the minimal...
colMinsA wrapper for matrixStats::colMins() Returns the minimal...
cutree_orderCut a tree into groups of data in the order of the tree
exitEquivalent to python's sys.exit() Stop the script without...
freadWrapper for data.table::fread. Returns a data.frame instead...
fread_mmEfficiently read Matrix Market format
fread_rownamesUse 'fread()' to read a csv/tsv with row names (e.g. one...
fwriteWrapper for data.table::fwrite with NA's saved as "NA" instad...
fwrite_mmEfficiently write Matrix Market format
gen_seedsGenerate RNG seeds for parallel runs
geom_dense_scatterCreate a density-colored scatter plot
ggpreviewPlot using preview instead of plotting to X device
ggrasterizeRasterize ggplot panel area
gpsGet current plot size for jupyter IRKernel
grapes-cache_df-grapesTries reading a cached dataframe result from the filename on...
grapes-cache_matrix-grapesTries reading a cached matrix result from the filename on the...
grapes-cache_rds-grapesTries reading a cached dataframe result from the filename on...
grapes-fcache_df-grapescache_df that force recreating the cached file
grapes-fcache_matrix-grapescache_matrix that force recreating the cached file
grapes-fcache_rds-grapescache_rds that force recreating the cached file
load_characterRead a character vector from a file created by save_character
load_dataframeRead a dataframe from a file created by save_dataframe
load_matrixRead a matrix from a file created by save_matrix
load_numericRead a numeric vector from a file created by save_numeric
num_logical_coresReturn the number of the system's logical CPU cores
num_physical_coresReturn the number of the system's physical CPU cores
plot_dense_scatterCreate Density-Colored Scatter Plots with ggplot2
pmeanVectorized mean, similiar to 'pmin' and 'pmax'
psumVectorized sum, similiar to 'pmin' and 'pmax'
read_fastqRead a fastq file to data frame
rowMaxsA wrapper for matrixStats::rowMaxs() Returns the maximal...
rowMinsA wrapper for matrixStats::rowMins() Returns the minimal...
run_wideSimilar to mclapply, however ensures a reproducible...
save_characterWrite a character vector to a file, preserving cell names.
save_dataframeWrites a dataframe to a file, preserving row names.
save_matrixWrites a matrix to a file, preserving row and column names.
save_numericWrite a numeric vector to a file, preserving cell names.
scale_x_log2Scale x axis by log2 (similar to scale_x_log10)
scale_y_log2Scale y axis by log2 (similar to scale_y_log10)
segment_bySegment a dataframe according to consecutive identical values...
set_plot_sizeSet plot size for jupyter IRKernel
source_jupyterSource a jupyter notebook
spsSet plot size for jupyter IRKernel
tgplot_add_axis_annotationAdd an axis annotation to a ggplot matrix
tgplot_heatmapEasily plot a matrix as an heatmap using ggplot2
tgutil-packagetgutil: Simple utility functions for Tanay lab code
write_fastqWrite a data frame with "id", "seq" and "qual" to fastq file
tanaylab/tgutil documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 8:18 p.m.