Man pages for ti243/cellity
Quality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data

assess_cell_quality_SVMAssess quality of a cell - SVM version
cellity-packageQuality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
extract_featuresExtracts biological and technical features for given dataset
extra_human_genesAdditional human genes that are used in feature extraction
extra_mouse_genesAdditional mouse genes that are used in feature extraction
feature_generationHelper Function to create all features
feature_infoInformation which genes and GO categories should be included...
mES1_featuresReal test dataset containing all and common features from the...
mES1_labelsReal test dataset containing annotation of cells
multiplotInternal multiplot function to combine plots onto a grid
normalise_by_factorInternal function to normalize by library size
param_mES_allParameters used for SVM classification
param_mES_commonParameters used for SVM classification
plot_pcaPlots PCA of all features. Colors high and low quality cells...
sample_countsSample gene expression data containing 40 cells
sample_statsSample read statistics data containing 40 cells
simple_capConverts all first letters to capital letters
sum_propSums up normalised values of genes to groups.
training_mES_featuresOriginal training dataset containing all and common features...
training_mES_labelsOriginal training dataset containing annotation of cells
uni.plotInternal function to detect outliers from the mvoultier...
ti243/cellity documentation built on May 31, 2019, 11:18 a.m.