Man pages for tijoalca/pigeonscraper
Scrapes and shares race data from the American Racing Pigeons Union Website

arrival_tfTransform raw pigeon arrival characther data into prediods.
assemble_tblAssembre race tables from xml documents
connect_remDrConnect to remote driver
create_start_endCreate index to iterate over css queries by groups of n...
diff_timeCompute the diference between departure and arrival time.
do_remDrWrapper function to interact with remote driver
download_race_dataDownload ARPU race results
error_captureCheck if saved tables contain errors
extract_orgsExtract queries for organizations
extract_race_html_optionsParse html source with race tables
extract_yearsExtract css queries for race years
get_page_sourceGet htlm page source
names_to_idsReplace real names by cryptographically generated random...
pigeon_query_builderBuild css query table for years and organizations
pigeon_scraperScraping function to extract data from the APRU National...
pre_process_tblsTable pre-process and aggregation by organization and by year
race_infoPigeon race metadata
race_table_parseParsing html tables for each individual race in a...
remDr_go_to_linkConnect remote driver to specified url
scraperScrapes race tale using css query table from...
start_chrome_remDrStart remote driver with docker using the system command...
state_abb_transTransform state names into state abbreviations in a string.
tijoalca/pigeonscraper documentation built on Sept. 2, 2021, 9:48 a.m.