Man pages for timcdlucas/agouti
Base classes and simple models for disaggregation regression models. Potential name agouti (aggregate outputs ish)

agoutiDisaggregation regression classes and basic models.
agoutiGLMFit an aggregated output GLM
agouti_summarySummarise a aggregated output dataset.
as_disagas_disag Generic function if a given dataframe is in the correct format for...
as_disag.sfCreate a data.frame suitable for disaggregation regression...
as_disag.tsCreate a data.frame suitable for disaggregation regression...
getPolygonDataFunction to Extract polygon id and response data into a...
group_summary_plotA function that summarises the groups within an aggregate...
heat_histA grouped histogram plot.
heat_multi_histA grouped histogram multi plot.
link_plotA very basic plotting for aggregate data that plots a linked...
loglikeCalculate the log likelihood for each observation given a set...
madagascar_malariaMadagascar Malaria data
objectiveCalculate the log likelihood for the full dataset given a set...
prepare_dataFunction to extract values from high-resolution covariates...
stock_dataStock data
stock_vectorStock vector
thresh_smA plot that summarised the relationship between a variable...
timcdlucas/agouti documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 6:12 p.m.