Man pages for tpemartin/econIDV

add_legendgrouptitleAdd legend group titles
apptestStart to serve web app at temp/ and lauch chromedriver for...
as.DataAdd data to object's class
attach_io_fromClipboardUIGet all input/output ids from UI code in the clipboard and...
checkTraceColumnscheck trace columns from a given plotly plot on plotly add_trace on plotly config on plotly layout
ExamplesGenerate list of example environment
fromClipJSONImport clipboard of Plotly Studio json view as a list
generate_find_attributeGenerate find_attribute function under given plotly reference...
getAttributeListPairsGet attribute list pairs from a trace list
get_inputNamesDefaultsGet input arguments' names and their defaults
get_legendGroupTitlesGet legend group titles in trace orders
get_ranked_splitNamesGet ranked split names
get_restyleInfoList the difference of traces from two plots
getTable_legendgrouptitle_trace#' Add legend group title to a plotly plot that already has...
get_traceInfoGet trace information: its name, trace number and legend...
guide_color2Generate diverging two party discrete color guide
hex2rgbaConvert 6 digit hex color into a statement of "rgba(r, g, b,...
IconsCreate material design icons generator.
LayoutCreate a layout instance
LeafletToolsCreate leaflet tools to translate R calls to JS expressions
legend_divergingBinsCreate legend for diverging bins representing two parties.
merge_listMerge two list while respecting original list structure
moveDep_outMove dependency function out of R scripts to dependency.R in...
ObjectInitiate an object with self saving method.
PlotlyToolsCreate Plotly reference tools
prepare_githubPageprepare for github page publication
quo_as.isFrom a character of colname, generate its I(objectName)...
remove_emptyGeometryRemove sf data frame with empty geometry
reorderTraceByLegendgrouptitlesReorder legend groups based on desired group titles in order
rgba2hexConvert RBGA or RBG to hex
saveBrowseSave and browse plotly
ScaleOffGenerate scale_x/y that removes margins on the axes.
show_col2scales::show_col's revision where labels can be text other...
showJsonShow the JSON as a list from a htmlwidget
showTagCreat and view a webpage in http mode
showWidgetAs browseURL but it browse a shiny.tag or html class object...
showXShow X
style_groupTitles_basedOnRankedSplitNamesAdd legend group titles based on ranked split names
subplot_titlesSupply titles to the subplots panel produced by...
ThemeTurnOffTurn off certain graph elements in ggplot2
ViewDetailView tools to view x, function inputs
VisitVisit plotly leaflet reference
WebCreate a web instance
webdriverChromeSessionchromedriver webdrive session starter
tpemartin/econIDV documentation built on July 2, 2023, 7:36 p.m.