Man pages for trevorld/bittermelon
Bitmap Tools

as.array.bm_matrixCast bitmap/pixmap objects to an array
as_bm_bitmapCast to a bitmap matrix object
as_bm_fontCoerce to bitmap font objects
as_bm_listCoerce to bitmap list objects
as_bm_pixmapCast to a pixmap matrix object to data frame with pixel (x,y) coordinates
as.matrix.bm_matrixCast bitmap/pixmap objects to a (normal) matrix
bittermelonbittermelon: Bitmap Tools
bm_bindCombine bitmap/pixmap objects by rows or columns
bm_bitmapBittermelon bitmap matrix object
bm_callExecute a function call on bitmap objects
bm_clampClamp bitmap values
bm_composeCompose graphemes in a bitmap list by applying combining...
bm_compressCompress bitmaps by a factor of two
bm_distortResize bitmaps via distortion.
bm_editEdit a bitmap via text editor
bm_expandExpand bitmaps by repeating each row and/or column
bm_extendExtend bitmaps on the sides with extra pixels
bm_flipFlip (reflect) bitmaps
bm_fontBitmap font object
bm_grayGray a bitmap
bm_invertInvert (negate) a bitmap
bm_lapplyModify bitmap lists
bm_listBitmap list object
bm_maskModify bitmaps via masking with a 'mask' bitmap
bm_optionsGet bittermelon options
bm_outlineCompute "outline" bitmap of a bitmap
bm_overlayMerge bitmaps by overlaying one over another
bm_padAdjust bitmap padding lengths
bm_padding_lengthsCompute bitmap padding lengths
bm_pixel_pickerBitmap pixel picker
bm_pixmapBittermelon pixmap matrix object
bm_printPrint bitmap objects
bm_replaceReplace a color in a bitmap with another color
bm_resizeResize bitmaps by trimming and/or extending
bm_rotateRotate bitmaps 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees
bm_shadowBitmap shadow, bold, and glow effects
bm_shiftShift elements within bitmaps
bm_trimTrim bitmaps
col2hexColors to standardized hex strings
col2intColor to (native) integer conversions
combineCombine bitmap objects
Extract.bm_matrixExtract or replace parts of a bitmap/pixmap matrix
farming_crops_16x16Sprites for twenty farming crops
hex_fontRead and write hex bitmap font files
is_bm_bitmapTest if the object is a bitmap object
is_bm_fontTest if the object is a bitmap font object
is_bm_listTest if the object is a bitmap glyph list object
is_bm_pixmapTest if the object is a pixmap object
lengthsWidths or heights of bitmaps
monobitRead and write bitmap font files using monobit
Ops.bm_objectS3 Ops group generic methods for bitmap objects
plot.bm_matrixPlot bitmap/pixmap objects
print.bm_bitmapPrint bitmap objects
print.bm_pixmapPrint pixmap objects
Summary.bm_listmax, min, and range for bitmap objects
unicode_code_pointsGet Unicode code points
unicode_utilitiesOther Unicode utilities
yaff_fontRead and write yaff bitmap font files
trevorld/bittermelon documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 10:33 p.m.