Man pages for urwa/shinyscaffold
A shinydashboard scaffold

AddHelpTextConvert input text into HTML.
AddIntroductionTabAdd Introduction tab in the body.
AddMultiTabAdd multiple tabs in the body.
AddNetworkTabAdd a network tab in the body.
AddSimpleTabAdd a simple tab in the body.
barThemeTheme for ggplot bar plot
coord_radarHelper function for radar plot.
createBarcreate a bar plot either single bar for each column or ...
createBoxCreate box plot of self versus others.
createHistCreate a histogram plot.
createIntroductionAdd introduction to the tab with multiple paragraphs.
createLineCreate line plot with user-specific line highlighted.
createNetworkCreate a full network picture from network data.
createPieCreate Pie Chart.
createQuotesCreate quotes page.
createRadarCreate a Radar Plot.
createRadarCompCreate 2 radar plots for comparison.
createScatterCreate Scatter Plot.
dataNetworkMake network data usable in the form of edge list and node...
egonetsSample ego networks for each user.
egonets_attrsSample attributes for each user ego entwork.
formatLineDataFormat raw data into plot-able multi-line plot data.
launchApplaunch shinyscaffold app.
meltLineDataMelt user-specific filtered data.
serverShiny app server object.
smallnetsSample small/individual networks for each user.
smallnets_attrsSample attributes for each user small/individual network.
toydataSample user data for feedback dashboard.
toynetworkSample network for users' relations.
uiShiny app ui object.
urwa/shinyscaffold documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:28 p.m.