addMapResetButton | Add a map reset button to a Leaflet map object |
antideg_poly | Utah antidegradation category polyon |
assignAUs | Assign Utah assessment units to sites |
assignHUCs | Assign HUC 8 & 12 values to sites |
assignPolys | Assign spatial polygons to sites |
assignUses | Assign Utah beneficial use classes to sites |
au_poly | Utah's IR-specific assessment unit polygons |
au_poly_1820 | IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2018/2020... |
au_poly_2022 | IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2022 IR |
au_poly_2024 | IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2024 IR |
baseMap | Water quality base map |
buildLDC | Calculate parameter loading capacity |
buildMap | Build a site map of WQP sites or ECHO facilities |
bu_poly | Utah's beneficial use polygon shapes |
calcAlCrit | Calculate freshwater chronic and acute aluminum criteria |
calcTSI | Calculate TSI values from input data |
convertUnits | Convert data to target units |
county_poly | Utah's Counties |
downloadWQP | Download water quality, station, and other data from USEPA... |
facToNum | Convert factors to numeric equivalents |
findSites | Interactively find and select water quality sites |
hnnc_poly | Utah's headwater numeric nutrient criteria polygons |
huc12_poly | HUC 12 polygons for the state of Utah |
huc8_12_poly | Unioned HUC 8 & 12 polygons for the state of Utah |
huc8_poly | HUC 8 polygons for the state of Utah |
muni_poly | Utah's Municipalities |
profileHeatMap | Profile heat map plot |
profilePlot | Plot an individual lake profile |
readAttains | Read data from EPA's ATTAINS database |
readAWQMS | Read AWQMS Water Quality Data |
readECHO_ec | Read effluent chart data from EPA ECHO webservices |
readECHO_fac | Read facility information from EPA ECHO webservices |
readWQP | Read EPA Water Quality Portal Data |
readWQPbySite | Read WQP data by selecting sites in an interactive map |
selectPolys | Interactively select spatial polygons to query or filter data |
ss_poly | Utah's site-specific standard polygon shapes |
ul_trophic | Utah Lake trophic data |
ut_poly | Utah state boundary, excluding tribal jurisdictions... |
waterYear | Assign water years to dates |
wmu_poly | Utah DWQ watershed management unit polygons |
wqDD | Run the Water Quality Data Dashboard Runs the Water Quality... |
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