Man pages for utah-dwq/udwqTools
A Collection of R Tools for Utah Division of Water Quality

addMapResetButtonAdd a map reset button to a Leaflet map object
antideg_polyUtah antidegradation category polyon
assignAUsAssign Utah assessment units to sites
assignHUCsAssign HUC 8 & 12 values to sites
assignPolysAssign spatial polygons to sites
assignUsesAssign Utah beneficial use classes to sites
au_polyUtah's IR-specific assessment unit polygons
au_poly_1820IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2018/2020...
au_poly_2022IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2022 IR
au_poly_2024IR-specific assessment unit polygons as used in the 2024 IR
baseMapWater quality base map
buildLDCCalculate parameter loading capacity
buildMapBuild a site map of WQP sites or ECHO facilities
bu_polyUtah's beneficial use polygon shapes
calcAlCritCalculate freshwater chronic and acute aluminum criteria
calcTSICalculate TSI values from input data
convertUnitsConvert data to target units
county_polyUtah's Counties
downloadWQPDownload water quality, station, and other data from USEPA...
facToNumConvert factors to numeric equivalents
findSitesInteractively find and select water quality sites
hnnc_polyUtah's headwater numeric nutrient criteria polygons
huc12_polyHUC 12 polygons for the state of Utah
huc8_12_polyUnioned HUC 8 & 12 polygons for the state of Utah
huc8_polyHUC 8 polygons for the state of Utah
muni_polyUtah's Municipalities
profileHeatMapProfile heat map plot
profilePlotPlot an individual lake profile
readAttainsRead data from EPA's ATTAINS database
readAWQMSRead AWQMS Water Quality Data
readECHO_ecRead effluent chart data from EPA ECHO webservices
readECHO_facRead facility information from EPA ECHO webservices
readWQPRead EPA Water Quality Portal Data
readWQPbySiteRead WQP data by selecting sites in an interactive map
selectPolysInteractively select spatial polygons to query or filter data
ss_polyUtah's site-specific standard polygon shapes
ul_trophicUtah Lake trophic data
ut_polyUtah state boundary, excluding tribal jurisdictions...
waterYearAssign water years to dates
wmu_polyUtah DWQ watershed management unit polygons
wqDDRun the Water Quality Data Dashboard Runs the Water Quality...
utah-dwq/udwqTools documentation built on July 17, 2024, 10:21 p.m.