Man pages for validmeasures/nipnTK
National Information Platforms for Nutrition Anthropometric Data Toolkit

ageChildrenGoodness of fit to an expected model-based age distribution
ageHeapingAge-heaping analysis
ageRatioTestAge ratio test
ah.ex01Example dataset for age heaping function
as.ex01Example dataset for age and sex distributions function
as.ex02Example dataset for age and sex distributions function
boxTextPlot text in a coloured bounding box.
digitPreferenceDigit preference test
dist.ex01Example dataset for distributions of variables and indices
dp.ex01Example dataset for digit preference function
dp.ex02Example dataset for digit preference function
dp.ex03Example dataset for digit preference
flag.ex01Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
flag.ex02Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
flag.ex03Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
fullTableFill out a one-dimensional table to include a specified range...
greensIndexGreen's Index of Dispersion
histNormalHistogram with normal curve superimposed to help with...
national.SMARTAdd SMART flags to a stratified sample survey (e.g. MICS,...
nipnTKNiPN data quality toolkit
outliersMDMahalanobis distance to detect bivariate outliers
outliersUVIQR to detect univariate outliers
plot.ageChildrenPlot helper function for 'ageChildren()' function
plot.ageHeaping'plot()' helper functions for 'ageHeaping()' functions
plot.digitPreference'plot()' helper function for 'digitPreference()' function
print.ageChildren'print()' helper function for 'ageChildren()' function
print.ageHeaping'print()' helper functions for 'ageHeaping()' functions
print.ageRatioTest'print()' helper function for 'ageRatioTest()' function
print.digitPreference'print()' helper function for 'digitPreference()' function
print.greensIndex'print()' helper function for 'print.greensIndex()' function
print.sexRatioTest'print()' helper function for 'sexRatioTest()' function
print.skewKurt'print()' helper function for 'skewKurt()' function
pyramid.plotPyramid plot function for creating population pyramids.
qqNormalPlotNormal quantile-quantile plot
rl.ex01Example dataset for checking ranges and legal values
sexRatioTestSex Ratio Test
skewKurtSkew and kurtosis
sp.ex01Example dataset for using scatterplots to identify outliers
sp.ex02Example dataset for using scatterplots to identify outliers
validmeasures/nipnTK documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 6:50 p.m.