Man pages for vandenman/JASPgraphs
Custom Graphs for JASP

axesLabellerParse numeric to character in a visually appeasing way.
colorsJASP color palettes
drawAxisDeprecated: use 'ggplot2::ggplot() +...
drawBFpizzaMake a pizza plot
drawLinesDeprecated: use 'ggplot2::geom_line' instead.
drawPointsDeprecated: use 'ggplot2::geom_point' instead.
drawSmoothDeprecated: use 'ggplot2::geom_smooth' instead.
geom_abline2Add an abline that does not exceed the extrema of the axes...
geom_aligned_textAdd aligned text to plots
geom_pointCustom geoms
geom_rangeframeAdd base R's bty = 'n' to ggplot2 objects.
getAxisBreaksGet the axis breaks of a ggplot2 object
getBFSubscriptsObtain strings of expressions for common Bayes factor types...
getEmptyThemeReturn an empty theme
getPrettyAxisBreaksCompute axis breaks
graphOptionsGlobal graph options
hypothesis2BFtxtGet text for Bayes factor pie chart given hypothesis
jaspGraphsPlotMethodsMethods for interacting with a jaspGraphsPlot
JASPScatterPlotCreate a scatter plot with density
parseThisTell that this string should be parsed.
plotEditingEdit a plot
plotEditingOptionsGet the editable options for a plot
plotPieChartMake a Pie Chart
PlotPriorAndPosteriorCreate a prior-posterior plot.
plotQQnormMake a Q-Q plot
PlotRobustnessSequentialCreate a robustness or sequential plot
scale_x_continuousContinuous axis scales
themeApaRawAPA theme for ggplot2 objects based on 'jtools::theme_apa'
themeJaspDeprecated: use themeJaspRaw and geom_rangeframe instead.
themeJaspRawJASP theme for ggplot2 objects
themePubrRawPubr theme for ggplot2 objects based on 'ggpubr::theme_pubr'
vandenman/JASPgraphs documentation built on Dec. 16, 2021, 5:37 p.m.