cdf | Cumulative Distribution Function |
chf | Cumulative Hazard Function |
density | Probability Density Function |
distionary-package | distionary: Create and Evaluate Probability Distributions |
distribution | Build a Distribution Object |
dst_bern | Bernoulli Distribution |
dst_beta | Beta Distribution |
dst_binom | Binomial Distribution |
dst_cauchy | Cauchy Distribution |
dst_chisq | Chi-Squared Distribution |
dst_degenerate | Degenerate Distribution |
dst_exp | Exponential Distribution |
dst_f | F Distribution |
dst_gamma | Gamma Distribution |
dst_geom | Geometric Distribution |
dst_gev | Generalised Extreme Value Distribution |
dst_gpd | Generalised Pareto Distribution |
dst_hyper | Hypergeometric Distribution |
dst_lnorm | Log Normal Distribution |
dst_lp3 | Log Pearson Type III distribution |
dst_nbinom | Negative binomial Distribution |
dst_norm | Normal (Gaussian) Distribution |
dst_null | Null Distribution |
dst_pearson3 | Pearson Type III distribution |
dst_pois | Poisson Distribution |
dst_t | Student t Distribution |
dst_unif | Uniform Distribution |
dst_weibull | Weibull Distribution |
eval_property | Evaluate a distribution |
flexible_cdf | Find the probability left or right of a number |
gev_raw | Representations of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
gpd_raw | Representations of the Generalized Pareto Distribution |
hazard | Hazard Function |
median.dst | Median of a Distribution |
moments | Moments of a Distribution |
new_distribution | Constructor Function for Distribution Objects |
odds | Odds Function |
parameters | Parameters of a Distribution |
plot.dst | Plot a Distribution |
pmf | Probability Mass Function |
pretty_name | Distribution name |
quantile | Distribution Quantiles |
range | Range of Distribution |
realise | Generate a Sample from a Distribution |
return | Return Level Function |
survival | Survival Function |
vtype | Variable Type of a Distribution |
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