Man pages for vitessce/vitessce-htmlwidget
Create Interactive Single-cell Visualizations with the 'Vitessce' JavaScript Library

AbstractWrapperAbstractWrapper Class
AnnDataWrapperAnnDataWrapper Class
ComponentEnumeration of Component values
CoordinationTypeEnumeration of Coordination Type values
CsvWrapperCsvWrapper Class
DataTypeEnumeration of Data Type values
export_to_filesExport a Vitessce configuration to a directory of static...
FileTypeEnumeration of File Type values
get_next_scopeGet next scope name
hconcatHorizontally concatenate views
is_naCheck if a value, potentially a vector, is NA
MultiImageWrapperMultiImageWrapper Class
obj_listCreate an empty named list
OmeTiffWrapperOmeTiffWrapper Class
stop_futureTry to stop a future
vconcatVertically concatenate views
VitessceConfigVitessceConfig Class
VitessceConfig-cash-from_listCreate a new Vitessce Config from a list
VitessceConfig-cash-from_objectCreate a new Vitessce Config from a data object
VitessceConfigCoordinationScopeVitessceConfigCoordinationScope Class
VitessceConfigDatasetVitessceConfigDataset Class
VitessceConfigDatasetFileVitessceConfigDatasetFile Class
VitessceConfigServerClass representing a local web server to serve dataset...
VitessceConfigServerRangeRouteClass representing a local web server route for a file which...
VitessceConfigServerStaticRouteClass representing a local web server static route: path +...
VitessceConfigViewVitessceConfigView Class
VitessceConfigViewHConcatVitessceConfigViewHConcat Class
VitessceConfigViewVConcatVitessceConfigViewVConcat Class
vitessce-shinyShiny bindings for vitessceR
vitessce_widgetVitessce Widget
vitessce/vitessce-htmlwidget documentation built on July 30, 2024, 8:44 a.m.