Man pages for wStockhausen/tcsamFisheryDataAKFIN
Functions to process AKFIN data for crab bycatch

akfin.calcBycatchABsCalculate estimated total bycatch abundance and biomass of...
akfin.calcUnscaledZCsCalculate size compositions for Tanner crab bycatch in the...
akfinConvert_ADFGStatAreasToLatLonsConvert ADFG stat areas to lat-lon coordinates
akfinConvert_GearCodeToTypeConvert gear codes to gear types
akfinConvert_GearDescToCodeConvert AKFIN gear descriptions to gear codes
akfinConvert_GearDescToTypeConvert AKFIN gear descriptions to gear types
akfinConvert_LatLonsToADFGStatAreasConvert lat-lon coordinates to ADFG stat areas
akfinConvert_SexCodesConvert sex codes to descriptions
akfinGet_GearConversionsCreate dataframe describing AKFIN gear conversions
akfinGet_SexConversionsCreate dataframe describing sex conversions
akfinRead_CASRead a csv file from AKFIN with CAS (Catch Accounting System)...
akfinRead_CIARead a csv file from AKFIN with CIA (Catch-in-Areas) data
akfinRead_NorpacLengthReportRead a csv file from AKFIN with NORPAC length report data
akfin.ScaleInputSSsCalculate the "input" sample sizes to TCSAM02 for AKFIN size...
akfin.ScaleZCsCalculate estimated total bycatch abundance-scaled size comps...
akfinWrite_TCSAMInputFileWrite AKFIN data for crab bycatch to a TCSAM input file
wStockhausen/tcsamFisheryDataAKFIN documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 12:08 p.m.