Man pages for weshorton/wrh.rUtils
Miscellaneous R Utility Functions

angle_bothAngle Both Theme
angle_xAngle X Theme
angle_yAngle Y Theme
big_labelBig Label Theme
bl_blackBig Label Theme
bl_timesBig Label Times
calcENSCalc Effective Number of Species
calcErrorBarsCalculate Error Bars
calcOverlapCalculate Overlap
checkExcelCheck Excel
checkSamplesCheck Samples
convertDFTConvert between data.table and data.frame
convertMouseHumanGenesConvert Gene Names
cpmThreshPlot CPM Thresh
detachAllPackagesClear loaded packages
determineBreaksDetermine Breaks
determineGridDetermine Grid
dtListBindData table list bind
dupColsDuplicated Columns
findMatchFind match
findPCsFind maximum recommended PC to use.
findSimilarColorFind Similar Color
fixVSegmentsFix V Segments
geomMeanGeometric Mean
getAllListNamesGet List Names Pretty
getColorsGet Colors
getOutliersFind Outliers
getPairwiseComparisonsGet Pairwise Comparisons
g_legendExtract ggplot legend
isPrimeIs Prime?
kableHighlightColumnsHighlight Columns in Kable
kmPlotCustom Kaplan Meier plot with median lines and legends
label_log2Label Log2 Ggplot
listNamesGet List Names
listToDTConvert List to data.table
loadLibLoad Libraries
massive_labelMassive Label Theme
mcFindAllMarkersRun FindAllMarkers() on multiple cores
mergeAndFillColsMerge and Fill Columns
mergeDTsMerge many data.tables together
mheadSpecial head for table-like objects
mkdirCreates new directory in which to write files
modelPExtract p-value from model
mvFilesMove a batch of files to a new directory
my_blackBase Custom Theme
myCorChartMy Correlation Chart
myKableMy Kable
myOpenXWriteWkbkWrite list to excel workbook
myTMy Transpose
myTableGrobCreate custom table grob with title
my_themeBase Custom Theme
myWriteLinesMy Write Lines
naTo0NA to 0
nChooseKn Choose k
noticePrint easy-to-find statement
plotColorPlot Color
plotDensityPlot Densities
plotSpecialPlot ggplot with extra table grob
readAllExcelRead All Excel
readComplexArgsRead Complex Args
readDirRead Directory
returnSessionInfoOutput session information
revCompReverse Complement Given vector of strings of ATCG, provide...
rmDupGenesRemove Duplicate Genes
rmNARowRemove rows that have NA in certain columns
simpleCapCapitalize first letter of each word
simpleSurvivalSimple Survival
sourceDirAllows users to source all .R files in a given directory
splitCharSplit character string
splitCommaSplit a string along the commas in the string
splitInputNumbersSplit Input Numbers
stackNameStack Name for Plot
thirdsThirds-based vector division
timesTimes New Roman Theme
wrh.rUtils-packagewrh.rUtils: Miscellaneous R Utility Functions
writeCSVorExcelWrite CSV or Excel
weshorton/wrh.rUtils documentation built on Oct. 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m.