Man pages for wjakethompson/wjake
Personal R Package for Miscellaneous Themes, Templates, and Functions

announceCreate an announcement adjective
code_headingCreate heading dividers
color_rampCustom color ramps
consulting_agreementCreate an R Markdown PDF Consulting Agreement
consulting_reportCreate an R Markdown PDF Consulting Report
gt_theme_wjakePersonalized gt theme
knit_with_contractCustom Knit function for RStudio
palette_wjakeWebsite color palette
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
round_toRound to a Specified Value
scale_wjakewjake color scale
set_themeSet global plot theme options
theme_wjakePersonalized ggplot2 theme
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
update_geom_font_defaultsUpdate matching font defaults for text geoms
wjake-packagewjake: A package for package installation and miscellaneous...
write_pkg_bibWrite a bibliography for R packages
wjakethompson/wjake documentation built on June 29, 2024, 7:47 a.m.