Man pages for wjschne/WJSmisc
Miscellaneous functions from W. Joel Schneider

angle2hjustConvert angles to ggplot2 hjust
angle2vjustConvert angles to ggplot2 vjust
attach_functionConverts the default values of a function's arguments to...
cor2pcorConverts a correlation matrix to a partial correlation matrix
cor_ellipseGenerate correlation ellipse data
cor_heatCorrelation plot
cornames-setName for square arrays like correlation matrices
cor_textFormat text of a correlation matrix
cross_vectorsCreate unique combinations of vectors
df2matrixConvert data.frame and tibbles to matrices with named rows...
geom_richlabelA wrapper for ggtext::geom_richtext
get_quoteRetrieve text within a span or div with a named id
ggsvgSave ggplot as .pdf, then convert to .svg via pdf2svg
ggtext_sizeConvert ggplot theme font size to geom_text size
insert_latex_colorInsert latex colors into a matrix
irt_plot_appIRT Plot Shiny App
latexarrayMake latex array
lm_matrixRegression from correlation matrix
make_indicatorsMake latent variable indicators with rbeta_ms function
modregplotSimple slopes plot
multivariate_ciGeneral a multivariate confidence interval for a set of...
parallel_analysisggplot of parallel analysis from the psych package
paste_matrix_from_clipboardPaste matrix code from clipboard
pdf2svgFunction that converts pdf files to svg. Must have the...
pipePipe operator
plot_loadingCreats a plot of factor loadings
plotnormPlot a normal distribution shading below x
prob_labelFormat numeric probabilities as text labels
proportion2percentileRounds proportions to significant digits both near 0 and 1,...
proportion_roundRounds proportions to significant digits both near 0 and 1
pthresholdProbability a true score will be below a threshold
pvalueAPAAPA p-value rounding
rbeta_msRandom beta distribution with specified mean and sd
remove_leading_zeroRemove leading zero from numbers
rotate2dmatrixRotate a 2-column matrix
signs_centeredcentered signed numbers
skewed_axisDraw skewed axes in ggplot2
snake2subscriptConvert snake case to subscript
str_wrap_equalWrap sentence strings into lines of roughly equal width
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tri2corCreate square correlation matrix from lower triangle
vector_angleCompute the angle of a vector
x2zConvert x to a z-score
wjschne/WJSmisc documentation built on June 29, 2023, 8:04 a.m.