Man pages for yafeng/DEqMS
a tool to perform statistical analysis of differential protein expression for quantitative proteomics data.

equalMedianNormalizationnormalize to have equal medians in all samples
medianSummarysummarize peptide/PSM intensity into protein level relative...
medianSweepingsummarize peptide/PSM intensity into protein level relative...
medpolishSummarysummarize peptide/PSM intensity into protein level relative...
outputResultoutput the DEqMS analysis results in a data frame
peptideProfilePlotplot log2 intensities of all peptides for one gene in...
Residualplotplot the residuals against the number of quantified...
spectraCounteBayesPeptide/Spectra Count Based Empirical Bayes Statistics for...
VarianceBoxplotgenerate a boxplot of the variance
VarianceScatterplotgenerate a scatter plot of the variance
yafeng/DEqMS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 1:48 a.m.