API for yezhengSTAT/permseq_0.3.0
Mapping protein-DNA interactions in highly repetitive regions of the genomes with prior-enhanced read mapping

Global functions
.aggregate_data Source code
.chipMeanCounts Source code
.chipMeanCounts_multi Source code
.clusterPositions Source code
.clusterPositions_3cluster Source code
.clusterPositions_histoneonly Source code
.constructBins Source code
.constructNeucleotideLevelCounts Source code
.dnaseProcess Source code
.fast.read.table Source code
.fitPlot Source code
.fitRlm Source code
.grplasso_difflambda Source code
.histoneProcess Source code
.multihistoneProcess Source code
.quantileFunction Source code
.refineParameters Source code
.run_grplasso Source code
.summary Source code
[,Prior-method Man page
[<-,Prior-method Man page
[[,Prior-method Man page
[[<-,Prior-method Man page
names,Prior-method Man page
permseq Man page
plot,Prior-method Man page
print,Prior-method Man page
priorClass Man page
priorGenerate Man page Source code
priorHistone_init Man page Source code
priorHistone_multi Man page Source code
priorProcess Man page Source code
readAllocate Man page Source code
show,Prior-method Man page
summary,Prior-method Man page
yezhengSTAT/permseq_0.3.0 documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:07 a.m.