Man pages for ytakemon/GINIR
Genetic inteRaction and EssenTiality neTwork mApper

annotate_dfCombine and annotate co-essential or co-expression dataframe
Append_perm_pvalAppends permutation adjusted p-value
coessential_mapPerform co-essentially mapping
common_coefs_coessPerform Pearson coefficient mapping of all pairs of genes in...
common_coefs_protPerform Pearson coefficient mapping of all pairs of genes in...
common_coefs_rnaPerform Pearson coefficient mapping of all pairs of genes in...
download_example_dataDownload minimal example data
extract_protExtract protein expression data for given cell lines
extract_rnaExtract RNA expression data for given cell lines
get_GeneNameIDGet unique DepMap-compatible gene IDs
get_inflection_pointsCalculate inflection points of co-essential data frame
GI_screenPerform genetic interaction screen
GI_screen_permsPerform permutation test n genetic interaction screen
list_cancer_typesList cancer types that are available
list_mutationsSearch mutations detected in DepMap cancer cell lines
pipePipe operator
plot_coessPlot coessential genes
plot_screenPlot genetic screen results
protein_coexpressPerform protein co-expression analysis
Pval_perm_adjustPerform permutation test n genetic interaction screen
rna_coexpressPerform RNA co-expression analysis
select_cell_linesSelect mutant groups based on input gene of interest
ytakemon/GINIR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 6:06 a.m.