Man pages for yukiyanai/rgamer
rgamer: Learn Game Theory Using R

domFind dominated or dominant strategies in a normal-form game
draw_pathColor specified paths in the game tree.
eliminate_strategyEliminate a strategy from a normal-form game.
eval_matchEvaluate how desirable a matching result is
extensive_formDefine an extensive-form (or strategic-form) game
get_payoffGet payoffs corresponding to specified strategies or actions.
is_stableCheck if a matching is stable
matchingImplement matching
matching_dfImplement matching
matching_mt1Implement many-to-one matching
normal_formDefine a normal-form (or strategic-form) game
print.matchingCustom print method for "matching" class
read_matching_dataRead data for matching
restrict_actionRestrict actions of an extensive-form game
rgamerrgamer: A package to help students learn Game Theory using R.
seq_extensiveTransform a sequential_form into extensive_form
seq_formDefine a sequential-form (leader-follower) game
show_pathPlot a game tree with solution paths colored.
sim_EWASimulates an Experienced Weighted Attraction model
sim_fictSimulates fictitious plays of a game
sim_fict_oneSimulates a fictitious play once
sim_gamePlays a normal-form game by simulation
sim_game_brPlay a normal-form game by simulation (best response)
sim_learningSimulates a learning model
solve_efgFind solutions of an extensive-form game.
solve_nfgFind equilibria of a normal-form game
solve_nfg_charFind Nash equilibria of a normal-form game.
solve_nfg_fcnFind Nash equilibria of a normal-form game.
solve_nfg_matrixFind Nash equilibria of a normal-form game.
solve_seqFind Nash equilibria of a sequential-form game
solve_seq_charFind subgame perfect equilibria outcome of a sequential-form...
solve_seq_fcnFind Nash equilibria of a sequential-form game with payoffs...
solve_seq_matrixFind Nash equilibria of a sequential-form game.
subgamesFind subgames of an extensive-form game
to_matrixTransform an extensive-form game into a normal-form game.
yukiyanai/rgamer documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:38 p.m.