Man pages for zeehio/MassSpecWavelet
Peak Detection for Mass Spectrometry data using wavelet-based algorithms

cwtContinuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)
exampleMSAn example mass spectrum
extendLengthExtend the length of a signal or matrix
extendNBaseExtend the row number of a matrix as the exponential of base...
findLocalMaxWinSizeFind local maxima and return the size of the window where...
getLocalMaximumCWTIdentify the local maximum of each column in 2-D CWT...
getRidgeIdentify ridges based on the local maximum matrix
getRidgeLengthEstimate the length of the ridge
getRidgeValueGet the CWT coefficient values corresponding to the peak...
identifyMajorPeaksIdentify peaks based on the ridges in 2-D CWT coefficient...
localMaximumIdentify local maximum within a slide window.
MassSpecWavelet-packagePeak detection of mass spectrum by Wavelet transform based...
mexhThe mexican hat function
mzInd2vRangeMatch m/z index to m/z value with a certain error range
mzV2indRangeMatch m/z value to m/z index with a certain error range
peakDetectionCWTThe main function of peak detection by CWT based pattern...
plotLocalMaxPlot the local maximum matrix
plotPeakPlot the identified peaks over the spectrum
plotRidgeListPlot the ridge list
prepareWaveletsPrepare daughter wavelets for faster CWT
smoothDWTsmooth (denoise) the spectrum by DWT (Discrete Wavelet...
tuneInPeakInfoTune in the peak information: peak position and peak scale
zeehio/MassSpecWavelet documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:07 p.m.