GetCDLData: Request the CDL data from the CropScape

View source: R/GetCDLData.R

GetCDLDataR Documentation

Request the CDL data from the CropScape


A function that requests the CDL data for any Area of Interests (AOI) in a given year from the CropScape. This function implements the GetCDLData service provided by the CropScape:


  aoi = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  format = "raster",
  crs = NULL,
  tol_time = 20,
  save_path = NULL,
  readr = TRUE



Area of interest. Can be a 5-digit FIPS code of a county, 2-digit FIPS code of a state, four corner points or an sf object that defines a rectangle (or a box) area, multiple coordinates that defines a polygon, a single coordinate that defines a point, or a URL of an compressed ESRI shapefile. See details.


Year of data. Should be a 4-digit numeric value.


Type of the selected AOI. 'f' for state or county, 'b' for box area, 'ps' for polygon, 'p' for a single coordinate, 's' for ESRI shapefile.


Format of the output. 'raster' for raster object, 'table' for a data table, and 'sf' for a sf object.


Coordinate system. NULL if use the default coordinate system (i.e., Albers projection); Use '+init=epsg:4326' for longitude/latitude.


Number of seconds to wait for a response until giving up. Default is 20 seconds.


Path (including the file name with the suffix: '.tif') to save the TIF file. If a path is provided, the TIF file will be saved in the computer in the specified directory. Default: NULL.


Read the raster data into R. Default is TRUE. If FALSE, only the tif file is saved at save_path.


The GetCDLData function implements the data request in two steps. First, the function sends data requests to the CropScape online server using the GET function from the httr package. Second, the function reads the requested data into R using the raster function from the raster package. By default, the data returned from the CropScape are in the raster-based GeoTIFF file format. Users can choose to save the raw GeoTIFF data into their local drives.

Users should at least specify aoi, year, and type to make valid data requests. aoi, or area of interest, refers to the area to make data request. An aoi can be a state/county defined by a 2-digit/5-digit FIPS code, a box defined by four corner points, a polygon defined by multiple coordinates, a single point defined by a coordinate, or a custom area defined by an ESRI shapefile.

If the type of aoi is a box, users should specify aoi as a numeric vector with four elements that represent corner points of the box. The format of the box should be (minimum x, minimum y, maximum x, maximum y). For example, if latitude/longitude is used, users should specify the aoi as (Lower longitude, Lower latitude, Higher longitude, Higher latitude). Note that for box type aoi, users can also use a sf object as the input of aoi. In this case, the GetCDLData will automatically extract bounding box points from the sf object and then make data request. The sf object must contain the crs information. If the type of aoi is a polygon, users should specify aoi as a numeric vector with at least 6 elements (corresponding to multiple points). The format is (x1, y2, x2, y2, ..., xn, yn). The polygon can take any shape. If the type of aoi is a custom area, users must specify aoi as a URL of a compressed ESRI shapefile. The .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj files must all be compressed with no subdirectories in a single ZIP file. In cases that the compressed shapefile is saved in the local disk, this shapefile needs to be published to a website URL. See more detailed instructions from here:

The GetCDLData function provides some additional functionalities that might benefit the users. First, it can recognize data requests made in any coordinate system. The default coordinate system used by the CDL is a projected coordinate system called Albers projection (or Albers equal-area conic projection). Users can specify an alternative coordinate system, such as latitude/longitude, by changing the crs value. As an exception, this functionality is unavailable when the requested data type is 's' (a shapefile). This is because the zipped shapefile is directly sent to CropScape, and it cannot be processed before sending the request. If a shapefile is used, users must ensure that the shapefile has the Albers projection system. Second, the tol_time argument specifies the upper time limit for making the data request. This is useful particularly when the CropScape server has issues with responding to the data request (e.g., system maintenance). It is possible that the CropScape server takes a long time before sending back a message saying that the data are not available. The default time limit is 20 seconds. Third, users can choose to save the raster TIF file in their local disks when requesting the CDL data. This can be done simply by specifying a directory name in save_path. In this case, GetCDLData will first save the data and then read the saved data into R using the raster function from the raster package. For example, when letting save_path be 'C:/test.tif', the raster TIF file will be saved at the 'C' disk in the name of 'test.tif'. If save_path is NULL (default), the raster TIF file will not be saved but just read into the R environment through the raster function. Forth, users can transform the raster data into a data table by letting format = 'table' or a sf object by letting format = 'sf'. The transformation into data table is done by using the function from the raster package. The returned object would be a data table with the coordinates (first two columns) and numeric codes of the land cover category (third column). The coordinates are centroids of the grid cells. The transformation into 'sf' is based on functions in the 'sf' package.

The CDL website provides an EXCEL file that links the numeric codes with the land cover names. Users can download the EXCEL file from this link Alternatively, users can also use data(linkdata) to get the data directly from this package. Yet, be noted that linkdata saved in this package is not frequently updated.

Mac users might encounter the error of 'SSL certificate expired', and this error can be avoided by skipping the SSL check. Please visit the package website ( for details.


The function returns the requested CDL data for the aoi in a given year. Format of the returned object can be a raster, a data table, or a sf, depending on users' choice.


# Example. Retrieve data for the Champaign county in Illinois (FIPS: 17109) in 2018.
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = 17019, year = 2018, type = 'f')
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Same request but also save the raster data as a TIF file.
# Note: A temporary file is created to save the data using the tempfile function
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = 17019, year = 2018, type = 'f', save_path = tempfile(fileext = '.tif'))
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Example. Retrieve data for the state of Delaware (fips: 44) in 2018.
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = 44, year = 2018, type = 'f')
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Example. Retrieve data for a box area defined by four corner points (long/lat)
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = c(-88.2, 40.03, -88.1, 40.1), year = '2018', type = 'b',
crs = '+init=epsg:4326')
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Example. Retrieve data for a polygon (triangle) area defined by three coordinates in 2018.
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = c(175207,2219600,175207,2235525,213693,2219600), year = 2018, type = 'ps')
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Example. Retrieve data for a box area defined by four corner points in 2018.
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = c(130783,2203171,153923,2217961), year = '2018', type = 'b')
data # can plot the data using raster::plot(data)

# Example. Retrieve data for a single point by long/lat in 2018.
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = c(-94.6754,42.1197), year = 2018, type = 'p', crs = '+init=epsg:4326')

# Below uses the same point, but under the default coordinate system
data <- GetCDLData(aoi = c(108777,2125055), year = 2018, type = 'p')

# Visit the package webiste for more examples.

CropScapeR documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:32 p.m.