data_edit: An interactive editor for viewing, entering and editing data

View source: R/data_edit.R

data_editR Documentation

An interactive editor for viewing, entering and editing data


codedata_edit is a shiny application built on rhandsontable that is designed to make it easy to interactively view, enter or edit data without any coding. data_edit is also a wrapper for any reading or writing function to make it easy to interactively update data saved to file.


  x = NULL,
  col_bind = NULL,
  col_edit = TRUE,
  col_options = NULL,
  col_stretch = FALSE,
  col_factor = FALSE,
  col_names = TRUE,
  col_readonly = NULL,
  row_bind = NULL,
  row_edit = TRUE,
  save_as = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  logo = NULL,
  logo_size = 30,
  logo_side = "left",
  viewer = "dialog",
  viewer_height = 800,
  viewer_width = 1200,
  theme = "yeti",
  read_fun = "read.csv",
  read_args = NULL,
  write_fun = "write.csv",
  write_args = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  hide = FALSE,
  code = FALSE,



a matrix, data.frame, data.table or the name of a csv file to edit. Tibbles are also supported but will be coerced to data.frames. An empty table can be created by specifying the dimensions in a vector of the form c(nrow, ncol) or the names of the columns to include in the template.


additional columns to add to the data prior to loading into editor, can be either an array containing the new data, a vector containing the new column names for empty columns or a named list containing a vector for each new column.


logical indicating whether columns can be added or removed, set to TRUE by default.


named list containing the options for columns that use dropdown menus, dates, checkboxes or passwords.


logical indicating whether columns should be stretched to fill the full width of the display, set to FALSE by default.


logical indicating whether character columns should be converted to factors prior to returning the edited data, set to FALSE by default.


logical indicating whether column names can be edited or a vector of column names that cannot be edited, set to TRUE by default to allow editing of column names.


names of columns that cannot be edited. Users will be able to edit values but these will be reverted to the original values. Column names for these column cannot be edited either.


additional rows to add to the data prior to loading into editor, can be either an array containing the new data, a vector containing the new row names for empty rows or a named list containing a vector for each new column.


logical indicating whether rows can be added or removed, set to TRUE by default.


name of a csv file to which the edited data should be saved.


optional title to include above the data editor.


optional package logo to include in title above the data editor, must be supplied as path to logo png.


width of the logo in pixels, set to 30 pixels by default.


can be either "left" or "right" to determine the position of the logo relative to the title, set to "left" by default.


can be either "dialog", "browser" or "pane" to open the application in a dialog box, browser or RStudio viewer pane. First letter abbreviations are allowed, set to "dialog" by default.


numeric to control the height of the viewer in pixels when viewer is set to "dialog", set 800 by default.


numeric to control the width of the viewer in pixels when viewer is set to "dialog", set to 1200 by default.


valid shinytheme name, set to "yeti" by default.


name of the function to use to read in the data when x is the name of a file, set to read.csv by default.


a named list of additional arguments to pass to read_fun.


name of the function to use to write the edited version of x to a file, set to write.csv by default. Only requirement is that the first argument accepts the edited data and the second argument accepts the file name supplied to save_as.


a named list of additional arguments to pass to write_fun.


logical indicating whether messages should be suppressed, set to FALSE by default.


logical indicating whether the dataInput and dataOutput modules should be visible to the user within the application. If hide = FALSE and save_as is specified, the edited data will be written to file after the application is closed.


logical indicating whether the code required to generate the edited data should be printed to the console, set to FALSE by default. Alternatively, users can supply the name of an R script to create and store this code.


not in use.


the edited data as a matrix or data.frame.


Dillon Hammill,


if(interactive()) {



DataEditR documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:36 p.m.