update_station_list: Download Latest isd-history.csv File and Update an Internal...

View source: R/update_station_list.R

update_station_listR Documentation

Download Latest isd-history.csv File and Update an Internal Database


This function downloads the latest station list (isd-history.csv) from the NCEI server and updates the data distributed with GSODR to the latest stations available. These data provide unique identifiers, country, state (if in U.S.) and when weather observations begin and end.




Care should be taken when using this function if reproducibility is necessary as different machines with the same version of GSODR can end up with different versions of the 'isd_history.csv' file internally.

There is no need to use this unless you know that a station exists in the isd_history.csv file that is not available in the self-contained database distributed with GSODR.

To directly access these data, use:
load(system.file("extdata", "isd_history.rda", package = "GSODR"))

To see the latest version available from the NCEI server, please refer to get_isd_history().


Adam H. Sparks, adamhsparks@gmail.com

See Also



## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

GSODR documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:10 p.m.