prodStack: Visualize the production stack of an area

View source: R/stack_prod.R

prodStackAliasesR Documentation

Visualize the production stack of an area


prodStack draws the production stack for a set of areas or districts. User can see available stacks with prodStackAliases and create new ones with setProdStackAlias.



  lines = NULL,
  lineColors = NULL,
  lineWidth = 3,
  description = NULL

  stack = "eco2mix",
  areas = NULL,
  mcYear = "average",
  dateRange = NULL,
  yMin = NULL,
  yMax = NULL,
  customTicks = NULL,
  main = .getLabelLanguage("Production stack", language),
  unit = c("MWh", "GWh", "TWh"),
  compare = NULL,
  compareOpts = list(),
  interactive = getInteractivity(),
  legend = TRUE,
  legendId = sample(1e+09, 1),
  groupId = legendId,
  updateLegendOnMouseOver = TRUE,
  legendItemsPerRow = 5,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  xyCompare = c("union", "intersect"),
  h5requestFiltering = deprecated(),
  stepPlot = FALSE,
  drawPoints = FALSE,
  timeSteph5 = deprecated(),
  mcYearh5 = deprecated(),
  tablesh5 = deprecated(),
  language = "en",
  hidden = NULL,
  refStudy = NULL,



name of the stack to create or update


A named list of expressions created with [base::alist]. The name of each element is the name of the variable to draw in the stacked graph. The element itself is an expression explaining how to compute the variable (see examples).


Vector of colors with same length as parameter variables. If variables is an alias, then this argument should be NULL in order to use default colors.


A named list of expressions created with [base::alist] indicating how to compute the curves to display on top of the stacked graph. It should be NULL if there is no curve to trace or if parameter variables is an alias.


Vector of colors with same length as parameter lines. This argument should be NULL if there is no curve to trace or if parameter variables is an alias.


Optionnal. Defaut to 3. Vector of width with same length as parameter lines (or only one value).


Description of the stack. It is displayed by function prodStackAliases.


An object of class antaresData created with function [antaresRead::readAntares()] containing data for areas and or districts. it can be a list of antaresData objects. In this case, one chart is created for each object. Can also contains opts who refer to a h5 file or list of opts.


Name of the stack to use. One can visualize available stacks with prodStackAliases


Vector of area or district names. The data of these areas or districts is aggregated by the function to construct the production stack.


If x, contains multiple Monte-Carlo scenarios, this parameter determine which scenario is displayed. Must be an integer representing the index of the scenario or the word "average". In this case data are averaged.


A vector of two dates. Only data points between these two dates are displayed. If NULL, then all data is displayed.


numeric, the minimum value to be displayed on all y Axis. If NULL, the min value is automatically set


numeric, the maximum value to be displayed on all y Axis. If NULL, the max value is automatically set


numeric vector of the custom ticks values to be displayed on the y Axis. If NULL, the ticks are automatically generated


Title of the graph.


Unit used in the graph. Possible values are "MWh", "GWh" or "TWh".


An optional character vector containing names of parameters. When it is set, two charts are outputed with their own input controls. Alternatively, it can be a named list with names corresponding to parameter names and values being list with the initial values of the given parameter for each chart. See details if you are drawing a map.


List of options that indicates the number of charts to create and their position. Check out the documentation of [manipulateWidget::compareOptions] to see available options.


LogicalValue. If TRUE, then a shiny gadget is launched that lets the user interactively choose the areas or districts to display.


Logical value indicating if a legend should be drawn. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a shared legend with [prodStackLegend()]


Id of the legend linked to the graph. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a shared legend with [prodStackLegend()]


Parameter that can be used to synchronize the horizontal zoom of multiple charts. All charts that need to be synchronized must have the same group.


LogicalValue. If TRUE the legend will be updated when the mouse is over a stack. If FALSE the legend will be updated on a click


Number of elements to put in each row of the legend.


Width of the graph expressed in pixels or in percentage of the parent element. For instance "500px" and "100%" are valid values.


Height of the graph expressed in pixels or in percentage of the parent element. For instance "500px" and "100%" are valid values.


Use when you compare studies, can be "union" or "intersect". If union, all of mcYears in one of studies will be selectable. If intersect, only mcYears in all studies will be selectable.


Contains arguments used by default for h5 request, typically h5requestFiltering = list(areas = "a", mcYears = 2)


boolean, step style for curves.


boolean, add points on graph


character timeStep to read in h5 file. Only for Non interactive mode.


numeric mcYear to read for h5. Only for Non interactive mode.


character tables for h5 ("areas" "links", "clusters" or "disticts"). Only for Non interactive mode.


character language use for label. Defaut to 'en'. Can be 'fr'.


logical Names of input to hide. Defaut to NULL


An object of class antaresData created with function [antaresRead::readAntares()] containing data for areas and or districts. Can also contains an opts who refer to a h5 file.


Other arguments for [manipulateWidget::manipulateWidget]


compare argument can take following values :

  • "mcYear"

  • "main"

  • "unit"

  • "areas"

  • "legend"

  • "stack"

  • "stepPlot"

  • "drawPoints"


prodStack returns an interactive html graphic. If argument interactive is TRUE, then a shiny gadget is started and the function returns an interactive html graphic when the user clicks on button "Done".

prodStackAliases displays the list of available aliases.

setProdStackAlias creates or updates a stack alias.

See Also



## Not run: 
mydata <- readAntares(areas = "all", timeStep = "daily")

# Start a shiny gadget that permits to choose areas to display.
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh")

# Use in a non-interactive way
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", areas = "fr", interactive = FALSE)

# Define a custom stack
  name = "Wind and solar",
  variables = alist(wind = WIND, solar = SOLAR),
  colors = c("green", "orange")

prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", stack = "Wind and solar")
# In a custom stack it is possible to use computed values
  name = "Renewable",
  variables = alist(
    renewable = WIND + SOLAR + `H. ROR` + `H. STOR` + `MISC. NDG`, 
    thermal = NUCLEAR + LIGNITE + COAL + GAS + OIL + `MIX. FUEL` + `MISC. DTG`
  colors = c("green", gray(0.3)),
  lines = alist(goalRenewable = LOAD * 0.23),
  lineColors = "#42EB09"

prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", stack = "renewable")

# Use compare
prodStack(x = mydata, compare = "areas")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "mcYear")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "main")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "unit")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "areas")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "legend")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = "stack")
prodStack(x = mydata, unit = "GWh", compare = c("mcYear", "areas"))

# Compare studies
prodStack(list(mydata, mydata))
# Compare studies with refStudy argument 
prodStack(x = myData1, refStudy = myData2)
prodStack(x = myData1, refStudy = myData2, interactive = FALSE)
prodStack(x = list(myData2, myData3, myData4), refStudy = myData1)
prodStack(x = list(myData2, myData3, myData4), refStudy = myData1, interactive = FALSE)

# Use h5 opts
# Set path of simulaiton
setSimulationPath(path = path1)

# Convert your study in h5 format
writeAntaresH5(path = mynewpath)

# Redefine sim path with h5 file
opts <- setSimulationPath(path = mynewpath)
prodStack(x = opts)

# Compare elements in a single study
prodStack(x = opts, .compare = "mcYear")

# Compare 2 studies
prodStack(x = list(opts, opts2))

# Compare 2 studies with argument refStudies 
prodStack(x = opts, refStudy = opts2)
prodStack(x = opts, refStudy = opts2, interactive = FALSE, mcYearh5 = 2, areas = myArea) 
prodStack(x = opts, refStudy = opts2, h5requestFiltering = list(areas = myArea, 
mcYears = 2))


## End(Not run)

antaresViz documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.