Man pages for disk.frame
Larger-than-RAM Disk-Based Data Manipulation Framework

add_chunkAdd a chunk to the disk.frame disk.frame to data.frame by collecting all chunks disk.frame to data.table by collecting all chunks
as.disk.frameMake a data.frame into a disk.frame
bind_rows.disk.frameBind rows
chunk_group_by#' @export #' @importFrom dplyr add_count #' @rdname...
cmapApply the same function to all chunks
cmap2'cmap2' a function to two disk.frames
collectBring the disk.frame into R
colnamesReturn the column names of the disk.frame
compute.disk.frameForce computations. The results are stored in a folder.
create_chunk_mapperCreate function that applies to each chunk if disk.frame
csv_to_disk.frameConvert CSV file(s) to disk.frame format
deleteDelete a disk.frame
df_ram_sizeGet the size of RAM in gigabytes
disk.frameCreate a disk.frame from a folder
disk.frame_to_parquetA function to convert a disk.frame to parquet format
dplyr_verbsThe dplyr verbs implemented for disk.frame
evalparseglueHelper function to evalparse some 'glue::glue' string
find_globals_recursivelyFind globals in an expression by searching through the chain
foverlaps.disk.frameApply data.table's foverlaps to the disk.frame
gen_datatable_syntheticGenerate synthetic dataset for testing
get_chunkObtain one chunk by chunk id
get_chunk_idsGet the chunk IDs and files names
get_partition_pathsGet the partitioning structure of a folder
group_byA function to parse the summarize function
groups.disk.frameThe shard keys of the disk.frame
head_tailHead and tail of the disk.frame
is_disk.frameChecks if a folder is a disk.frame
joinPerforms join/merge for disk.frames
merge.disk.frameMerge function for disk.frames
move_toMove or copy a disk.frame to another location
nchunksReturns the number of chunks in a disk.frame
ncol_nrowNumber of rows or columns
one-stage-group-by-verbsOne Stage function
overwrite_checkCheck if the outdir exists or not
partition_filterFilter the dataset based on folder partitions
playPlay the recorded lazy operations
print.disk.framePrint disk.frame
pull.disk.framePull a column from table similar to 'dplyr::pull'.
purrr_as_mapperUsed to convert a function to purrr syntax if needed
rbindlist.disk.framerbindlist disk.frames together
rechunkIncrease or decrease the number of chunks in the disk.frame
recommend_nchunksRecommend number of chunks based on input size
remove_chunkRemoves a chunk from the disk.frame
sampleSample n rows from a disk.frame
setup_disk.frameSet up disk.frame environment
shardShard a data.frame/data.table or disk.frame into chunk and...
shardkeyReturns the shardkey (not implemented yet)
shardkey_equalCompare two disk.frame shardkeys
show_ceremonyShow the code to setup disk.frame
split_string_into_dfTurn a string of the form /partion1=val/partion2=val2 into...
srckeepKeep only the variables from the input listed in selections
sub-sub-.disk.frame[[ interface for disk.frame using fst backend
tbl_vars.disk.frameColumn names for RStudio auto-complete
write_disk.frameWrite disk.frame to disk
zip_to_disk.frame'zip_to_disk.frame' is used to read and convert every CSV...
disk.frame documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:09 p.m.