dlmModTrig: Create Fourier representation of a periodic DLM component

View source: R/DLM.R

dlmModTrigR Documentation

Create Fourier representation of a periodic DLM component


The function creates a dlm representing a specified periodic component.


dlmModTrig(s, q, om, tau, dV = 1, dW = 0, m0, C0)



the period, if integer.


number of harmonics in the DLM.


the frequency.


the period, if not an integer.


variance of the observation noise.


a single number expressing the variance of the system noise.


m_0, the expected value of the pre-sample state vector.


C_0, the variance matrix of the pre-sample state vector.


The periodic component is specified by one and only one of s, om, and tau. When s is given, the function assumes that the period is an integer, while a period specified by tau is assumed to be noninteger. Instead of tau, the frequency om can be specified. The argument q specifies the number of harmonics to include in the model. When tau or omega is given, then q is required as well, since in this case the implied Fourier representation has infinitely many harmonics. On the other hand, if s is given, q defaults to all the harmonics in the Fourier representation, that is floor(s/2).

The system variance of the resulting dlm is dW times the identity matrix of the appropriate dimension.


An object of class dlm, representing a periodic component.


Giovanni Petris GPetris@uark.edu


Giovanni Petris (2010), An R Package for Dynamic Linear Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(12), 1-16. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v36/i12/.
Petris, Petrone, and Campagnoli, Dynamic Linear Models with R, Springer (2009).
West and Harrison, Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models (2nd ed.), Springer (1997).

See Also

dlmModSeas, dlmModARMA, dlmModPoly, dlmModReg


dlmModTrig(s = 3)
dlmModTrig(tau = 3, q = 1) # same thing
dlmModTrig(s = 4) # for quarterly data
dlmModTrig(s = 4, q = 1)
dlmModTrig(tau = 4, q = 2) # a bad idea!
m1 <- dlmModTrig(tau = 6.3, q = 2); m1
m2 <- dlmModTrig(om = 2 * pi / 6.3, q = 2)
all.equal(unlist(m1), unlist(m2))

dlm documentation built on Sept. 21, 2024, 9:06 a.m.