caps: Class for clustering with amplitude and phase separation

capsR Documentation

Class for clustering with amplitude and phase separation


The k-means algorithm with joint amplitude and phase separation produces a number of outputs. This class is meant to encapsulate them into a single object for providing dedicated S3 methods for e.g. plotting, summarizing, etc. The name of the class stems from Clustering with Amplitude and Phase Separation.






A list coercible into an object of class caps.


An object of class caps is a list with the following components:

  • original_curves: A numeric matrix of shape N \times L \times M storing a sample with the N L-dimensional original curves observed on grids of size M.

  • original_grids: A numeric matrix of size N \times M storing the grids of size M on which original curves are evaluated;

  • aligned_grids: A numeric matrix of size N \times M storing the grids of size M on which original curves must be evaluated to be aligned;

  • center_curves: A numeric matrix of shape K \times L \times M storing the K centers which are L-dimensional curves observed on a grid of size M;

  • center_grids: A numeric matrix of size K \times M storing the grids of size M on which center curves are evaluated;

  • warpings: A numeric matrix of shape N \times M storing the estimated warping functions for each of the N curves evaluated on the within-cluster common grids of size M;

  • n_clusters: An integer value storing the number of clusters;

  • memberships: An integer vector of length N storing the cluster ID which each curve belongs to;

  • distances_to_center: A numeric vector of length N storing the distance of each curve to the center of its cluster;

  • silhouettes: A numeric vector of length N storing the silhouette values of each observation;

  • amplitude_variation: A numeric value storing the fraction of total variation explained by amplitude variability.

  • total_variation: A numeric value storing the amount of total variation.

  • n_iterations: An integer value storing the number of iterations performed until convergence;

  • call_name: A string storing the name of the function that was used to produce the k-means alignment results;

  • call_args: A list containing the exact arguments that were passed to the function call_name that produced this output.


The function as_caps() returns an object of class caps. The function is_caps() returns a boolean which evaluates to TRUE is the input object is of class caps.



fdacluster documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:45 p.m.