save_jamsession: save an R session

save_jamsessionR Documentation

save an R session


save an R session


  session = get("session", envir = envir),
  assign_session = TRUE,
  save_date = jamba::getDate(),
  do_timestamp = TRUE,
  sessions_path = jamsession_paths()$sessions,
  do_prompt = TRUE,
  do_window_title = TRUE,
  save_history = TRUE,
  envir = globalenv(),
  session_prefix = "inProgress_",
  session_suffix = ".RData",
  save_objectlist = TRUE,
  objectlist_suffix = ".objectlist.txt",
  verbose = TRUE,



character session name used to name the .RData file


logical whether to assign session in the global environment .GlobalEnv, to reinforce the active session. It is typically not advised to update the .GlobalEnv inside a function, however for typical use of load_jamsession() the intended result is to provide an consistent R session, and session is part of that expectation.


logical whether to run utils::timestamp() so the current time and date are written into the .Rhistory file.


character vector of one or more file paths to search for saved R sessions. When NULL, it uses the output from jamsession_paths()$sessions.


logical whether to run jamba::setPrompt() to set the R prompt to include the session.


logical whether to set the default device window title to include the session.


logical whether to save the R command history into an .Rhistory file. Note that the full available R command history is saved, but this command history is subject to platform-specific limitations, and thus may not contain the entire R command history.


R environment to save, by default the active global environment .GlobalEnv.


logical whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments passed to base::save()


the date string to use when naming the .RData file. By default the current date is used, called by jamba::getDate().


This function saves the current R session to a .RData file, and the R history to a .Rhistory file. It saves these files to the first write-accessible path in sessions_path.

When envir is defined as something other than globalenv(), only the R objects stored in that environment are saved. However the R objects are saved as R objects, with no information about the source environment.

By default this function will assign the value of session to session in the global environment, unless assign_session=FALSE, in order to reinforce the active R session name, and which is shown by the R prompt by default, via calling jamba::setPrompt(). These changes are intended as visual reminders of the active R session.

See Also

Other jamsession sessions: grep_jamsessions(), list_jamsessions(), load_jamsession(), show_session_versions()

jmw86069/jamsession documentation built on March 4, 2025, 8:20 p.m.