start_mitm: Spawn a mitmdump background process in "HAR capture" mode and...

View source: R/mitm-helpers.R

start_mitmR Documentation

Spawn a mitmdump background process in "HAR capture" mode and return the process id


Returns mitm_pid object which can be used with stop_mitm() to kill the mitmproxy process and retrieve the generated HAR file or mitm_status() to check on the status of the background process.


start_mitm(collect = c("httr", "har"), extra_args = NULL)



how to collect mitmproxy responses. httr will serialize each response as individual lines of ndjson httr response objects that can be read with middlechild::read_httr() from a file and that will be returned as a list of said objects


see args in sys::exec_background()


mitm_pid object

See Also

Other mitm_helpers: call_mitm, install_mitm, mitm_help

ropenscilabs/middlechild documentation built on May 11, 2022, 9:11 a.m.