Man pages for nextGenShinyApps
Craft Exceptional 'R Shiny' Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools

accordionGenerate an accordion
accordionItemGenerate an accordion item
actionButtonCreate a button
alertCreate an alert
altPanelNew sidebar panel to display content
cardGenerate a flexible and extensible content container
checkboxInputCreate an advanced checkbox input
cssjsincludeInclude stylesheets and scripts
dashboardBodyCreate the body section of the application
fluidPageGenerate a container for the application
load.exampleLoad examples for the package
mainPanelMain panel to display content
masterButtonCreate a master button
modalDialogGenerate a modal box
modal.headerCreate hyperlink modal section that appears ONLY when the...
navNav tag
rand.numRandom number betwen 1 and 10000
rowGenerate a row div
setup.toolbar.buttonsGenerate toolbar buttons
setup.toolbar.menuGenerate toolbar menu
sidebarLayoutSidebar layout
sidebarPanelCreate the sidebar panel
sortablegridGenerate a sortable grid
spinnerCreate a spinner
submitButtonCreate a submit button
tabPanelCreate a tab panel item
tabsetPanelCreate an advanced tabset
template.locTemplate location full text
textAreaInputCreate an advanced text area input
textInputCreate an advanced text input
titlePanelTitle panel for the header of the application
wrapperA wrapper for panels
nextGenShinyApps documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 5:06 p.m.