Man pages for qtkit
Quantitative Text Kit

add_pkg_to_bibAdd package to BibTeX file
calc_assoc_metricsCalculate Association Metrics for Bigrams
calc_rfDispersion and frequency functions These functions are for...
calc_type_metricsCalculate Type Metrics for Text Data
create_data_dictionaryCreate Data Dictionary
create_data_originCreate data origin file
find_outliersIdentify Outliers in a Numeric Variable
get_archive_dataDownload an archive file and unarchive its contents
get_gutenberg_dataGet Works from Project Gutenberg
write_ggWrite a ggplot object to a file
write_kblWrite a kable object to a file
write_objWrite an R object as a file
qtkit documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:14 p.m.