corpora: Load a data set from the corpora package

View source: R/corpora.R

corporaR Documentation

Load a data set from the corpora package


corpora is a collection of small corpora of interesting data for the creation of bots and similar stuff.


corpora(which, category)



The data set to load, a string. If not given, then all data sets in the package are listed.


If given, which must be missing, and the data sets in the given category are listed.


This project is a collection of static corpora (plural of "corpus") that are potentially useful in the creation of weird internet stuff. I've found that, as a creator, sometimes I am making something that needs access to a lot of adjectives, but not necessarily every adjective in the English language. So for the last year I've been copy/pasting an adjs.json file from project to project. This is kind of awful, so I'm hoping that this project will at least help me keep everything in one place.

I would like this to help with rapid prototyping of projects. For example: you might use nouns.json to start with, just to see if an idea you had was any good. Once you've built the project quickly around the nouns collection, you can then rip it out and replace it with a more complex or exhaustive data source.

I'm also hoping that this can be used as a teaching tool: maybe someone has three hours to teach how to make Twitter bots. That doesn't give the student much time to find/scrape/clean/parse interesting data. My hope is that students can be pointed to this project and they can pick and choose different interesting data sources to meld together for the creation of prototypes.



A data frame containing the data set (if which is given), or a character vector of data set names.

Data set categories


Data sets



corpora(category = "animals")

rcorpora documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:06 a.m.