info: Get files and directories information

infoR Documentation

Get files and directories information


s3_file_info returns file information within AWS S3 directory

s3_file_size returns file size in bytes

s3_dir_info returns file name information within AWS S3 directory

s3_dir_ls returns file name within AWS S3 directory




  path = ".",
  type = c("any", "bucket", "directory", "file"),
  glob = NULL,
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  recurse = FALSE,
  refresh = FALSE,

  path = ".",
  type = c("any", "bucket", "directory", "file"),
  glob = NULL,
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  recurse = FALSE,
  refresh = FALSE,



(character):A character vector of one or more paths. Can be path or s3 uri.


(character): File type(s) to return. Default ("any") returns all AWS S3 object types.


(character): A wildcard pattern (e.g. *.csv), passed onto grep() to filter paths.


(character): A regular expression (e.g. [.]csv$), passed onto grep() to filter paths.


(logical): If code return files which do not match.


(logical): Returns all AWS S3 objects in lower sub directories


(logical): Refresh cached in s3_cache.


parameters to be passed to s3_list_objects_v2


s3_file_info A data.table with metadata for each file. Columns returned are as follows.

  • bucket_name (character): AWS S3 bucket of file

  • key (character): AWS S3 path key of file

  • uri (character): S3 uri of file

  • size (numeric): file size in bytes

  • type (character): file type (file or directory)

  • etag (character): An entity tag is an opague identifier

  • last_modified (POSIXct): Created date of file.

  • delete_marker (logical): Specifies retrieved a logical marker

  • accept_ranges (character): Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.

  • expiration (character): File expiration

  • restore (character): If file is archived

  • archive_status (character): Archive status

  • missing_meta (integer): Number of metadata entries not returned in "x-amz-meta" headers

  • version_id (character): version id of file

  • cache_control (character): caching behaviour for the request/reply chain

  • content_disposition (character): presentational information of file

  • content_encoding (character): file content encodings

  • content_language (character): what language the content is in

  • content_type (character): file MIME type

  • expires (POSIXct): date and time the file is no longer cacheable

  • website_redirect_location (character): redirects request for file to another

  • server_side_encryption (character): File server side encryption

  • metadata (list): metadata of file

  • sse_customer_algorithm (character): server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key

  • sse_customer_key_md5 (character): server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key

  • ssekms_key_id (character): ID of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service

  • bucket_key_enabled (logical): s3 bucket key for server-side encryption with

  • storage_class (character): file storage class information

  • request_charged (character): indicates successfully charged for request

  • replication_status (character): return specific header if request involves a bucket that is either a source or a destination in a replication rule

  • parts_count (integer): number of count parts the file has

  • object_lock_mode (character): the file lock mode

  • object_lock_retain_until_date (POSIXct): date and time of when object_lock_mode expires

  • object_lock_legal_hold_status (character): file legal holding

s3_dir_info data.table with directory metadata

  • bucket_name (character): AWS S3 bucket of file

  • key (character): AWS S3 path key of file

  • uri (character): S3 uri of file

  • size (numeric): file size in bytes

  • version_id (character): version id of file

  • etag (character): An entity tag is an opague identifier

  • last_modified (POSIXct): Created date of file

s3_dir_ls character vector of s3 uri paths


## Not run: 
# Require AWS S3 credentials

temp_file = s3_file_temp(tmp_dir= "MyBucket")


## End(Not run)

s3fs documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:48 p.m.