vars_matrices: STAR-VARS sampling strategy

View source: R/vars_matrices.R

vars_matricesR Documentation

STAR-VARS sampling strategy


It creates the STAR-VARS matrix needed to compute VARS-TO following \insertCiteRazavi2016a;textualsensobol.


vars_matrices(star.centers, params, h = 0.1, type = "QRN", ...)



Positive integer, number of star centers.


Character vector with the name of the model inputs.


Distance between pairs. The user should select between 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2. Default is h = 0.1.


Approach to construct the STAR-VARS. Options are:

  • type = "QRN": It uses \insertCiteSobol1967;textualsensobol Quasi-Random Numbers through a call to the function sobol of the randtoolbox package.

  • type = "R": It uses random numbers.


Further arguments in sobol.


The user randomly selects N_{star} points across the factor space using either Sobol' Quasi Random Numbers (type = "QRN") or random numbers (type = "R"). These are the star centres and their location can be denoted as \mathbf{s}_v = s_{v_1},...,s_{v_i}, ..., s_{v_k}, where v=1,2,...,N_{star}. Then, for each star centre, the function generates a cross section of equally spaced points \Delta h apart for each of the k model inputs, including and passing through the star centre. The cross section is produced by fixing \mathbf{s}_{v_{\sim i}} and varying s_i. Finally, for each factor all pairs of points with h values of \Delta h, 2\Delta h, 3\Delta h and so on are extracted. The total computational cost of this design is N_t=N_{star} (k (\frac{1}{\Delta h} - 1) + 1).


A matrix where each column is a model input and each row a sampling point.




# Define settings
star.centers <- 10; params <- paste("X", 1:5, sep = ""); h <- 0.1

# Create STAR-VARS
mat <- vars_matrices(star.centers = star.centers, params = params, h = h)

sensobol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:05 a.m.