st_as_sftime: Convert a foreign object to an 'sftime' object

View source: R/sftime.R

st_as_sftimeR Documentation

Convert a foreign object to an sftime object


Convert a foreign object to an sftime object


st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ST'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Track'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Tracks'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'TracksCollection'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sftime'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sf'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., time_column_name = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'stars'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., long = TRUE, time_column_name = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  agr = NA_agr_,
  dim = "XYZ",
  remove = TRUE, = TRUE,
  sf_column_name = NULL,
  time_column_name = NULL,
  time_column_last = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., time_column_name)

## S3 method for class 'psp'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., time_column_name)

## S3 method for class 'lpp'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., time_column_name)

## S3 method for class 'sftrack'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sftraj'
st_as_sftime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'cubble_df'
st_as_sftime(x, ..., sfc = NULL, crs, silent = FALSE)



An object to be converted into an object of class sftime.


Further arguments passed to methods.


A character value; name of the active time column. In case there is more than one and time_column_name is NULL, the first one is taken.


A logical value; See st_as_sf. Typically, long should be set to TRUE since time information typically is a dimension of a stars object.


A character vector; see the details section of st_sf.


In case of point data: names or numbers of the numeric columns holding coordinates.


The name or number of the character column that holds WKT encoded geometries.


Passed on to st_point (only when argument coords is given).


A logical value; when coords or wkt is given, remove these columns from x?

A logical value; if TRUE, raise an error if coordinates contain missing values.


A character value; name of the active list-column with simple feature geometries; in case there is more than one and sf_column_name is NULL, the first one is taken.


A logical value; if TRUE, the active time column is always put last, otherwise column order is left unmodified. If both sfc_last and time_column_last are TRUE, the active time column is put last.


object of class sfc (see package sf)


Coordinate reference system, something suitable as input to st_crs.


logical; suppress message?


x converted to an sftime object.

st_as_sftime.Tracks furthermore adds a column track_name with the names of the tracks slot of the input Tracks object.

st_as_sftime.TracksCollection furthermore adds the columns tracks_name with the names of the tracksCollection slot and track_name with the names of the tracks slot of the input Tracks object.


# modified from spacetime:

sp <- cbind(x = c(0,0,1), y = c(0,1,1))
row.names(sp) <- paste("point", 1:nrow(sp), sep="")
sp <- SpatialPoints(sp)
time <- as.POSIXct("2010-08-05") + 3600 * (10:12)
x <- STI(sp, time)


# convert a Track object from package trajectories to an sftime object
x1_Track <- trajectories::rTrack(n = 100)
x1_Track@data$speed <- sort(rnorm(length(x1_Track)))
x1_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x1_Track)

# convert a Tracks object from package trajectories to an sftime object
x2_Tracks <- trajectories::rTracks(m = 6)
x2_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x2_Tracks)

# convert a TracksCollection object from package trajectories to an sftime object
x3_TracksCollection <- trajectories::rTracksCollection(p = 2, m = 3, n = 50)
x3_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x3_TracksCollection)

# convert an sftime object to an sftime object
# convert an sf object to an sftime object
g <- st_sfc(st_point(c(1, 2)), st_point(c(1, 3)), st_point(c(2, 3)), 
     st_point(c(2, 1)), st_point(c(3, 1)))
x4_sf <- st_sf(a = 1:5, g, time = Sys.time() + 1:5)
x4_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x4_sf) 

# convert a Tracks object from package trajectories to an sftime object
x5_stars <- stars::read_stars(system.file("nc/", package = "stars"))
x5_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x5_stars, time_column_name = "time")

# this requires some thought to not accidentally drop time dimensions. For
# example, setting `merge = TRUE` will drop the time dimension and thus throw
# an error:
## Not run: 
x5_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x5_stars, merge = TRUE, time_column_name = "time")

## End(Not run)

# convert a data frame to an sftime object
x5_df <- 
   data.frame(a = 1:5, g, time = Sys.time() + 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x5_sftime <- st_as_sftime(x5_df)

# convert a ppp object to an sftime object (modified from the sf package)
if (require(spatstat.geom)) {
  st_as_sftime(gorillas, time_column_name = "date")

# convert a psp object to an sftime object (modified from the spatstat.geom 
# package)
if (require(spatstat.geom)) {
  # modified from spatstat.geom:
  x_psp <- 
      runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), window=owin(), 
      marks = data.frame(time = Sys.time() + 1:10)
  st_as_sftime(x_psp, time_column_name = "time")

# convert an lpp object to an sftime object (modified from the 
# spatstat.linnet package)
if (require(spatstat.geom) && require(spatstat.linnet)) {
  # modified from spatstat.linnet:
  # letter 'A' 
  v <- spatstat.geom::ppp(x=(-2):2, y=3*c(0,1,2,1,0), c(-3,3), c(-1,7))
  edg <- cbind(1:4, 2:5)
  edg <- rbind(edg, c(2,4))
  letterA <- spatstat.linnet::linnet(v, edges=edg)
  # points on letter A
  xx <- 
      x=c(-1.5,0,0.5,1.5), y=c(1.5,3,4.5,1.5), 
      marks = data.frame(time = Sys.time() + 1:4, a = 1:4), 
      window = spatstat.geom::owin(
         xrange = range(c(-1.5,0,0.5,1.5)), 
         yrange = range(c(1.5,3,4.5,1.5)))
  x_lpp <- spatstat.linnet::lpp(xx, letterA)
  # convert to sftime
  st_as_sftime(x_lpp, time_column_name = "time")

# convert an sftrack object to an sftime object (modified from sftrack)
if (require(sftrack)) {

  # get an sftrack object
  raccoon$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(raccoon$timestamp, "EST")
  burstz <- 
    list(id = raccoon$animal_id, month = as.POSIXlt(raccoon$timestamp)$mon)
  x_sftrack <- 
               group = burstz, time = "timestamp",
               error = NA, coords = c("longitude", "latitude")
  # convert to sftime

# convert an sftraj object to an sftime object (modified from sftrack)
if (require(sftrack)) {

  # get an sftrack object
  raccoon$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(raccoon$timestamp, "EST")
  burstz <- 
    list(id = raccoon$animal_id, month = as.POSIXlt(raccoon$timestamp)$mon)
  x_sftraj <- 
      time = "timestamp",
      error = NA, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
      group = burstz
  # convert to sftime

# convert a cubble_df object from package cubble to an sftime object
if (requireNamespace("cubble", quietly = TRUE, versionCheck = "0.3.0")) {

  # get a cubble_df object
  data("climate_aus", package = "cubble")
  # convert to sftime
  climate_aus_sftime <- 
    st_as_sftime(climate_aus[1:4, ])
  climate_aus_sftime <- 
    st_as_sftime(cubble::face_temporal(climate_aus)[1:4, ])

sftime documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:18 a.m.