setInput: Set input

setInputR Documentation

Set input


Creates a handler which can be used for onChange and similar props of 'React' components to set the value of a 'Shiny' input to one of the arguments passed to the handler.


setInput(inputId, jsAccessor)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'character,numeric'
setInput(inputId, jsAccessor)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
setInput(inputId, jsAccessor)



'Shiny' input ID to set the value on.


Index (numeric 0-based index) or accessor (JavaScript string) of the argument to use as value.


The argument jsAccessor can be empty (assumes jsAccessor = 0) or take one of the following types:

  • A valid JavaScript accessor string to be applied to the object (example: jsAccessor = "[0].target.checked").

  • A valid JavaScript 0-based index.

As an example, calling setInput("some_index", 1) is equivalent to setInput("some_index", "[1]")


A ReactData object which can be passed as a prop to 'React' components.

Methods (by class)

  • setInput(inputId = character, jsAccessor = missing): Uses as index jsAccessor = 0

  • setInput(inputId = character, jsAccessor = numeric): Gets the value via index (see examples).

  • setInput(inputId = character, jsAccessor = character): Gets value via accessor (see examples).


# Same as `setInput("some_id", 0)`.

# Equivalent to `(...args) => Shiny.setInputValue('some_id', args[1])` in JS.
setInput("some_id", 1)

# Same as `setInput("some_id", 1)`.
setInput("some_id", "[1]")

# Equivalent to `(...args) => Shiny.setInputValue('some_id', args[0].target.value)` in JS.
setInput("some_id", "[0].target.value")

shiny.react documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:10 a.m.